
Go Outdoors and Enjoy Cactus Ring Toss by Antsy Pants

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It is finally starting to warm up and it is time to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. What better way to enjoy it is playing games. Take this Cactus Ring Toss outside and enjoy some good ol’ ring toss. How well can you get the rings around the cactus? 

Not only is this the perfect indoor or outdoor activity it is also can help hand-eye coordination, motor skills and socializing skills.  Feel good purchasing Antsy Pants – with each product sold, Antsy Pants helps support KaBOOM!, a national non-profit dedicated to ensuring that all kids get a childhood filled with the balanced and active play they need to thrive. 

About Antsy Pants: 

Antsy Pants engaging Build and Play™ kids playhouse kits are designed to let kids’ imaginations run wild and get kids and families creating, imagining and building together.

Toss the rings on the cactus, how many can you make in a row? Our Cactus Ring Toss is a fun way to improve hand-eye coordination, fine and gross motor skills, concentration and social skills when played with a friend. Play indoors or outdoors, on a table or the floor, kids of all ages will enjoy testing their skills.

You can purchase your own Cactus Ring Toss from Target

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