
Two New Craft Inspired Games for the Holidays from @GoliathGamesUS #MegaChristmas18

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We have just found two new amazing games available from Goliath Games and I am excited to share with you. These two delightful craft-inspired games are perfect for kids and will keep them busy and engaged, especially during those colder months when you can’t get outside as much as you would like to.

Paint-Sation is every mother’s dream come true, paint that won’t spill or make a mess! Even if children turn the pod upside-down, the paint won’t drip out. Children simply touch their brush along the specially-designed bristles, and they’re ready to paint.

Photo Pearls lets children transform their photos into unique works of art. It’s super easy – all children must do is upload their photo to the Photo Pearls app to “pearlize” their image. Then they can start assembling their piece of art with the key provided. A wonderful alternative to puzzles, Photo Pearls is a great stress reliever that will leave children with a show-stopping piece of art.

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We have added Goliath Games products to our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

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