
Home Hacks: 5 Tips to Organize Your Bedroom

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If you’ve been spending more and more time at home lately, chances are that you’ve also been thinking about cleaning around a bit. Things can pile up pretty quickly, and it’s an explosive mix when you add quarantine induced online shopping into it.

But cleaning your room and organizing it sounds much easier than it is. Things like books and cosmetics can easily overflow their designated spots on tabletops and shelves, and the laundry basket really might not look good at all in it’s corner.

If you face the same issues and more, hang on tight and keep reading. We have some great tips to help you organize your bedroom.

1.   Use the Right Bed Frame

Your run off the mill, usual bed frame isn’t the right fit for everyone. Sometimes, people’s beds need something a little extra, like storage or even the adjustability to accommodate users who want to work in bed, have an injury that’s healing, or who need to store things under the bed. For those seeking a more versatile sleeping solution, consider exploring options beyond the ordinary. Blue beds, with their stylish design and practical features, can be an excellent choice. These beds not only provide comfort but also offer innovative storage solutions and adjustability, making them perfect for those who require extra functionality in their bedroom furniture.

Whatever your needs are, make sure your bed meets them and then work your way around everything else. If you have an adjustable bed, for example, you can get a mattress for adjustable bed too. If your bed is too low to store things under, you can buy an instrument from a furniture store that raises it a bit.

2.   Space Under the Ceiling

That one foot of space right under your ceiling is prime real estate for shelves to store books, stuffed animals, and much more.

If you don’t have a shelf there already, consider getting one installed to get some extra room and storing your stuff there – not everything has to take up floor space!

3.   Move the Laundry Basket

We just talked about how laundry baskets tend to look awful in the room, but what can you do about it?

Out of sight out of mind, they say. Instead of getting a usually basket, you can get a hamper for your dirty clothes and hang it on the back of your door. Sure, you’ll still have to look at it sometimes, but anyone who comes into your room probably won’t, and it still does the job.

4.   Clear Out Your Closet

Making sure you don’t have too much stuff to organize in the first place is a great first step when you organize your room.

Some people like to take out everything in their closet and then put in only the things they need, dividing the others in separate piles for giving away and throwing out.

You don’t have to do it in a single day though – if you want you can gradually start cleaning your space out over a few days.

5.   Clear the Room in Sections 

Now that we mention cleaning the room over a number of days, we’ll talk about how, because organization is key. Divide the room in sections like the closet, the bed, the dressing table and all your products etc.

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2 thoughts on “Home Hacks: 5 Tips to Organize Your Bedroom

  • Our washer/dryer are in our bedroom so that makes us clean up and actually do laundry, but it also causes clutter of clean or dirty clothes. We’ve got plenty of storage, just a matter of actually putting things away on a regular basis.

  • These are great ideas. I really need to clean the closets.

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