
The Hospital Box Offers Personalized Love and Comfort

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Going to the hospital can be stressful and is really no fun. I have been in the hospital several times between cancer and sinus problems and each time it is very sad and stressful. While I love when family comes to visit and the care I receive from the fabulous doctors and nurses, nothing beats the comfort of my own home and my own bed.

One way to help minimize the situation is giving someone you know or even receiving a care package to help you while on your recovery journey. The Hospital Box was created for you to show your loved ones how much you care and gives you the opportunity to bring them much needed comfort, joy, and encouragement during their hospital stay.There are tons of pre-made care packages on the market today, but none give you the opportunity to personalize the package, letting your favorite patient know they are truly unique and special.

When you’re admitted to the hospital, it can feel like you’ve become just part of rounds. The Hospital Box offers a quick and easy way for family and friends to bring love and positivity during the healing process.Their message is simple – Happiness Heals! Putting together your own Hospital Box for your ailing loved one can be done in 3 easy steps.

  •  Step 1- Attach Your Own Photos: Lift your loved ones spirits by showing them life outside the hospital and reminding them of precious memories they’ve had living life vibrantly! See their smile as they reminisce on the good times displayed on your personalized care package.
  • Step 2 – Add A Meaningful Items In The “Open When” Bags: Dozens of emotions take over when you’re left to sit in a hospital bed ranging from anger, to sadness, to loneliness, confusion and more. The Hospital Box comes with three soft cotton bags with messages: Open When You Need Comfort; Open When You Need Love; and Open When You Need Support. The bags are ideal for handwritten notes, mementos and anything that will bring a smile.
  • Step 3- Include Thoughtful Comfort Items: Customize your care package with a few  items that will bring the comfort of home right to their hospital bedside.

The right mindset can make a big difference in the healing process for anyone, and The Hospital Box gives you the opportunity to help make someone’s world a bit better in the midst of their difficult time.

More than 35 million Americans  are hospitalized every year. Imagine how you can change your loved ones lives for just $19.99 with The Hospital Box. Make someone’s day today! To create your own personalized Hospital Box visit

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