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 In this article we will go through how to turn shatter into THC vape juice. Marijuana medicinal purposes can be traced as far as the 2737 B.C when a Chinese emperor termed it a treatment for rheumatism, malaria and gout.

The medicinal form of Cannabis can be vaporized, smoked or ingested. Additionally, edible Cannabis can be added to cookies, chocolate bars and brownies.

In 2017, Cannabidiol (a cannabis derivative) was discovered to be essential in the treatment of epilepsy. Similarly, another study shows that it can be extremely essential as a pain reliever.

Side effects of Cannabis

The CBI receptors in the brain are targeted by the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) when Cannabis is consumed. It affects receptors in the brain responsible for thinking. Meaning, uncontrolled use of marijuana could result in poor balance, loss of attention and poor judgement. Other addictions could also be heightened if THC is used in excess.

Items required to convert concentrates to Vape juice

The following items are required for the process to be successful.

  1. Herbal Concentrate.
  2. Diluent
  3. Terpenes
  4. Mixing container
  5. Syringes
  6. Slim metal tips
  7. Heat source
  8. Stirring rod/device.

Herbal concentrate

Any of the following concentrates will be effective for preparing Vape juice: shatter, rosin, sauce, distillate and live resin.

Distillate and CO2 oil can be used without any additional items. Optionally, terpenes can be added to concentrates to add flavor. Both distillate and CO2 oil are extracted using different methods, although they are similar.

Vape juice can also be prepared from Butane Honey Oil (BHO). BHO can either be in shatter or crumble form. Interestingly, when preparing Vape juice, the same mixing process is used for both solvent and solvent less extracts.

These two extra steps which will be essential if you are to produce the best results.

First, to avoid crystallization in the cartridge, it is important to describe the BHO.

The last step is to dewax the BHO so to eliminate the remaining solvents and plant materials.


A diluent is used to turn, shatter into e juice. Shatter batter makes it easier for anyone to acquire a diluent.

For some people flavor is the key, so terpenes will come in handy.

Some commonly available diluents are

  • Propylene Glycol (PG)
  • Vegetable Glycerin (VG)
  • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
  • Fractionated Coconut oil

Cannabis based Terpenes

Terpenes add flavor to your THC e juice. The preferred form of terpene is that prepared from cannabis. Although they are extremely hard to acquire, they are totally worth it.

The most popular brand of terpenes is True terpene and Holy Terp.

Note that terpenes are highly concentrated therefore they should be added to your e juice in small quantities,

Mixing Container

When acquiring a glass, use one that has a curved bottom. Alternatively, a small one will be as effective as the large curved one.

This will aid in evenly distributing heat to the entire content when converting concentrates to e juice.


To properly inject the juice into a cartridge or pod, syringes are required. Slim needles are preferred to do that efficiently.

Heating source

There are two available options when selecting a heat source.

One could be a magnetic heat source or stove. With this, the concentrate can be heated directly.

The next option is to insert a shot glass in a pot of boiling water.

Stirring device

A glass stirring rod or a stainless steel stick will do the trick. A stirring tool is used to stir content, either before or after heating.


A pod or a cartridge is used to inject the e juice once it’s done. A 510 threaded Vape cartridge or a pod style setup is often preferred.

CCELL style is the most common 510 carts. The Kandypens and Stiiizy pen are famous pod systems that can be used.

Most importantly, ensure your syringe fits your cart of choice.

Vape juice preparation

There are some various techniques for preparing the vape juice so feel free to tell us your preference in the comment session.

Here is a simple method that can be used.

First, insert your concentrate into the mixing container and place it on the heat source. The concentrates’ thickness determines the ratio of diluent to concentrate.

Heat it until the concentrate reaches a liquid state.

At about 156.6 Celsius, terpenes and THC start to vaporize so keep it at a lower to obtain it in liquid state first.

Stir thoroughly when heating and remember that more diluent makes the product weak. Now you can insert your e juice into your pod and turn straight to vaping.

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