
How To Pick The Right Blender For Your Kitchen

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Mixing ingredients or puree foods is an everyday kitchen routine. If you have experience with these, you can attest to the fact that it is not always the easiest job to do. It does not stop there, making fruit juices and smoothies have become a popular activity in the kitchen as more people lean towards healthy living. Luckily, there is a variety of small kitchen machines that you can use to make work easier. Blenders are some of the kitchen gadgets that you can use for food preparation, as they make work effortless and save a lot of time. 

To get a blender that works effectively and efficiently, you need to be choosy during a purchase. Here are some of the things to consider to get the right blender for your kitchen.

  1. The type of foods you make

Blenders differ in sizes and capabilities. Therefore, picking just any blender, you come across will not be the best thing to do. Before you settle for any of these kitchen gadgets, put into consideration the kinds of foods that you cook often. There are two types of blenders one being the standard countertop blender, and the hand blender. The standard blenders are perfect for making shakes, smoothies and other drinks. The hand blender, on the other hand, is more effective when used for crushing lumps in porridge or soups and making smooth purees.

  1. The warranty

The warranty is more than having your blender replaced if it malfunctions. It is pretty simple; manufacturers will only offer a warranty if they are confident about their products. The presence of a warranty is one of the ways you can establish whether or not the blender is of good quality. Also, the warranty should cover things such as motor damage, blade change, and other minor damages.

  1. Power

It is worth noting that not all blenders may be able to crush both bananas and nuts. That is why you need to look at power when making your choice. The first thing will, of course, be to consider what you might want to use the blender to crush. Dry foods such as nuts may require more power compared to fruits. 

The most common power rangers for blenders are 300 Watts, 500 Watts, and 700 Watts. 300 Watts will be ideal if you are looking to make soft foods. On the other hand, if you are looking to work with hard foods, you might want to go for a 700 Watts blender. 

  1. The brand

Buying a blender of a trusted brand is always the best. This way, you will be less likely to encounter issues with the device. Also, always visit the manufacturer’s website and check the reviews to learn about the experience of other customers. This way, it will be easy to tell if you are making the right decision of buying a specific brand. 

With the guide above, you should be able to land a blender that meets all your kitchen needs.

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