
Me-ify Potty Star Potty Training App #Review

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Do you have have little ones that you are trying to potty train?  How about introducing then to a fun, interactive app that helps them celebrate milestones along their journey of potty training.


Me ify Logo

This new app allows you to completely personalize it and give your child some fun interaction and creativity while trying to potty train.  You can customize it by gender, skin color, hair & eye color and even include their name.

Our favorite part of the app is the personal book.  The book utilizes your child’s favorite toy and name to tell the story of using the potty and remembering to wash your hands after each use.  This app is very specific and gives you the ability to help your child identify all their body parts by name, including the more personal ones.  You can even customize what these areas are called including words like “pee pee” and “bum” or “penis” and “butt”.  Whatever terms you personally use, Me-ify Potty Star app may have those words in their list of options to help make it more realistic for your child to understand and grasp potty training.

Check out this tutorial video to show you how engaging and fun the Me-ify Potty Star App can be:


The app also includes fun games and songs you child can play with and learn to help them remember steps in potty training.  From learning to properly flush after each use, to washing and cleaning your hands, Me-ify Potty Star app is something that every parent will love in helping their little ones train for this big step in their life.

Available for download on iTunes and reasonably priced at just $1.99, you will love Me-ify Potty Star app as much as we have.  Even throwing your own virtual “Potty Star” Party at the end is fun.


Disclosure:  The information contained in this post were provided to me as a member of Mom Select and Me-ify Potty Star App.  Regardless, all opinions are 100% my own.

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