
Klosterman Bread & Manwich Are Sloppy Joe Perfection!

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Klosterman Bread & Manwich Are Sloppy Joe Perfection!One of my family’s favorite go-to meals that is inexpensive and easy to make is sloppy joes.  Did you know that March 18th was National Sloppy Joe Day? That day may have passed already, but every day is always a great day to make sloppy joes! Klosterman Bakery buns and Manwich make the perfect sloppy joe meal.Klosterman Bread & Manwich Are Sloppy Joe Perfection!

Sloppy joes are one of my favorite meals to make because they are easy to make, delicious, and inexpensive.  All you need are bread, ground beef, and the sloppy joe mix.  Manwich is my favorite.  It takes me less than 15 minutes to make them.  Simply brown your ground beef, add the sloppy joe mix, heat and then eat!
Klosterman Bread & Manwich Are Sloppy Joe Perfection!

I mean, how good does this look? I love how easy it is to make sloppy joes, and the Klosterman Honey Rolls add an extra flavor to them that is just great. It is definitely a family favorite meal that we have multiple times a month. If you haven’t tried sloppy joes before, or it’s been awhile, pick up some Klosterman bread and some sloppy joe mix and enjoy dinner!

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5 thoughts on “Klosterman Bread & Manwich Are Sloppy Joe Perfection!

  • Pingback: Enjoy Family Sundays with Klosterman and The Cincinnati Reds - It's Free At Last

  • This is a comfort meal for me – so easy and good. The honey rolls look like a perfect complement.

  • We are always looking for different treats to prepare the grand kids…and me!

  • Sloppy Joes are new to me as I live in Ireland but they look perfect for when I’m feeling lazy! We don’t eat white bread though so I’d go with ‘proper’ wholemeal homemade bread that I buy at the local farmers’ market.

  • We had Manwich Sloppy Joes for dinner tonight. I’ve never seen f Klosterman buns…but they do look good!

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