
Liquid Chalk Markers & Metallic Colors by Chalkola

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Do you have a budding you artist in your family? How about yourself, do you love drawing and creating unique works of bright, colorful art? I have a deal for you – Chalkola Chalk Markers and Metallic Markers.The Markers are used on Non Porous Surfaces only including chalkboards, whiteboards, glass, plastic and windows. Porous surfaces have small holes that can absorb the liquid chalk ink and sometimes it gets difficult to completely erase them. I recently used them for a gettogether with family and friends. We had nice mason jar style glasses for some tasty Snickers Milkshakes. I purchased some chalkboard stickers and put it on each cup that way each person could have a little fun with the Chalkola chalk markers.

Each package comes with 10 colorful chalk markers and 6 metallic markers for creative fun. Now is the time to stock up on these, with the kids back in school. No art project is too big or small when it comes to these markers.

Right now, you can save 10% off your purchase using code 10OFFYTB. Have a outdoor sale coming up or a fundraiser for your local sports team? Chalkola markers are the perfect way to get your message out to the public is a bright, bold way to attract tons of customers.


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