
Spends Hours playing Pokemon Go with myCharge HubUltra Charger

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

All the craze right now is that fabulous get-up-and-go game, Pokemon Go. I will admit, I too am addicted to it and have been able to capture about 70 or so of the little rascals.

While I have discovered that it really doesn’t use much data on my phone, one thing it does do is drain the life of my cellphone battery. I have tried many portable cellphone charges over the years, but nothing has surpassed the quality and lifespan as the myCharge Hub Series portable chargers.myCharge HubUltra Portable Charger

myCharge HubUltra Portable Wall ChargerMy preference is the HubUltra. With a 12,000 mAh capacity, it offers up to 90 hours of additional battery life. It comes with a 4-amp charging base that you can plug in anyway for recharging.

With two cables that are compatible with Apple and Android based products. It also has an additional USB on the side of the charging base so you can charge any other item while charging the battery itself.
Pokemon Go Portable ChargerWith the 4-amp charging base, the battery will be completely recharged within as little as 2 hours. So much power in such a little product!

I also travel a lot for work and usually carry several portable batteries with me to keep my “juiced up” on my phone and iPad. I love that I can replace all of those other portable batteries with one simple, lightweight one, the myCharge HubUltra.

myCharge also offers other portable batteries including the HubMini, HubPlus and HubMax. Whether you are hunting new, rare pokemon, traveling across the country or just utilize your portable device so much that you lose power fast, myCharge is the answer. They are the best in the way of portable power at an affordable price.

Stay connected socially with myCharge for all of their latest product and news release information. Order online and you can get free shipping on any purchase over $25.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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