National Dog Day – How to Make Your Pup’s Shampoo Bar Last Longer with SoapStandle
Pop Culture Alert!!
Who let the dogs out? Woof, woof, woof!
Okay, now that I have your attention, let me tell you a little bit about a handle little invention that is making a big impact in the soap industry – SoapStandle!
You know, no matter who “let the dogs out,” we all know who’s the one cleaning up after them. Let’s be honest, sometimes it is tough keeping up with your pups, and sometimes you just run out of shampoo – we’ve all been there. I know this especially true with our new puppy, Chewie. Luckily there’s a little tool made to help any shampoo bar last longer.
SoapStandle is a clever, small, and inconspicuous standle that sinks its “teeth” right into any size or type of bar soap. This appliance elevates the soap allowing air to circulate around the bar for it to properly dry.