
Neater Feeder Pet Feeder Giveaway (ends 6/20/13)

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.


 I have teamed up with Sweet Pea Savings and Neater Feeder to bring you this great giveaway! Sweet Pea Savings had the chance to review one for her puppy! You can see her review here!

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Neater Feeder is the world’s first mess proof pet dish for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens that actually separates and contains spilled food and spilled water! Our patented line of Neater Feeder Pet Dishes will keep your floors and walls protected from spilled water and food. Spilled food is contained in the top level of the Neater Feeder, while spilled water is filtered to the lower level. Mess Proof Neater Feeders offer effective protection from both sloppy pets and human errors such as bumping the pet water bowl or spilling water as you place it on the floor. The Neater Feeder also features a raised design for more comfortable pet feeding. Our Neater Feeder Raised Dog Bowls are available in 3 sizes for puppies and dogs. We also have a Neater Feeder Mess Proof Cat Bowl made especially for cats and kittens!

Now it is your chance to win one for your furry little friend! Enter below it is easy!

Good Luck!

Neater Feeder is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

11 thoughts on “Neater Feeder Pet Feeder Giveaway (ends 6/20/13)

  • Looks awesome got 4 dogs, would come in very handy…TY for the chance!

  • Large dog feeder

  • I would choose the one for large dogs. We have a Newfoundland.

  • I would like a medium sized feeder for a small dog

  • The cat feeder

  • I would choose the small dog or cat feeder.

  • I’d choose the small cat one.

  • I have three piggy kitties, they make a mess every time they eat .. I would get the Dog one…

  • I would like the large bronze feeder for my big rescue dogs.

  • I would choose either the large dog one or the cat one.

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