
Never Buy Paper for School Again with the RocketBook Reusable Notebook

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

You know, I have always been a fan of writing. I am a serial note-taker and it seems that I am always in need of paper. Phones are great, but nothing beats putting the things I need to jot down in my own format, my own handwriting and having it handy when I need to refer back to it.

One thing I always struggled with, as a student, is having a notebook for each class. Then keeping track of each notebook. Don’t even get me started on the excess weight and strain it would put on my body and back toting them from class to class. Well that was until I found the notebook of the future – The Everlast notebook by Rocketbook!More About RocketBook

MARCH 2015 – Rocketbook announces the microwave-to-erase Rocketbook while at the 2015 Launch festival. During rehearsals, famed angel investor Jason Calacanis scoffs at the product, says to Joe, “Who do you think you are, the Elon Musk of notebooks?” 

While on stage, Jake and Joe launch crowdfunding for the Rocketbook Wave which goes on to raise a total of $1,889,030 between Kickstarter and Indiegogo. IndieGogo funding used to build the first books, the app and integrations with Google Docs, Dropbox, Evernote, email. Kickstarter funds used to build second batch of books, plus integrations with Slack, Box, iCloud.

SEPTEMBER 2016 – Rocketbook sees orders from corporations like Pepsi, Accenture, Hubspot and Genentech requesting custom branded Rocketbooks for giveaways at events and employee productivity use cases. 

NOVEMBER 2016 – Rocketbook climbs to be the #1 selling notebook on, beating out brands such as Moleskine, 5-Star and Mead.

The Everlast notebook provides a classic pen and paper experience, yet is built for the digital age. Although it feels like a traditional notebook, the Everlast is endlessly reusable and connected to all of your favorite cloud services.

How it Works

When you write using any pen from the Pilot Frixion line, your writing sticks to Everlast pages like regular paper. But add a drop of water… and the notebook erases like magic.

Use the Rocketbook app to scan your notes into editable documents and automatically save them to your favorite cloud services including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Evernote, to name a few.

To say that every student, office employee, well EVERYONE EVERYWHERE needs this notebook is an understand. Imagine the huge impact this notebook can have on the environment, on saving space AND minimizing the need to carry so many notebooks from class to class for students.

I have fallen madly in love with my Rocketbook and have shared with so many others already, they have placed orders for their own Rocketbook!

Get on the ship, soar into the future and purchase your own Rocketbook today for you, your student(s) and everyone you know.

Stay connected with Rocketbook to see what they come up with next!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

50 thoughts on “Never Buy Paper for School Again with the RocketBook Reusable Notebook

  • This is so much better for the environment too, both in saving the planet from extra paper litter and from cutting down excessive trees also.

  • This could be used in so many ways. I love it!

  • I so love that this is reusable and is a complete set! I take a lot of notes, so could definitely use this!

  • It’s nice that the Rocketbook comes with a Frixion pen. It’s a complete set.

  • I have always wanted one of these! I am a constant note-taker and am always writing on scraps..napkins..enevelopes. I have my fingers crossed.

  • perfect for my son who loves to draw and sketch things

  • Love the Idea my friend might like this one since she goes though notebooks like crazy. Or just get for myself.

  • This is absolutely amazing to me and so innovative and cool! I can think of SO many practical and even fun uses for this! The most important though would be how helpful it would be for our daughters in college. It blows my mind how such a thing can even be invented and work, it reminds me of something that would have been on The Jetson’s when I was a kid! haha SO COOL!

  • This is nice. I like that this is reusable.

  • This sounds like an amazing product. I know my daughter could use this in her high school classes.

  • Good note taking is a a great tool for students. This would be very helpful.

  • I think using this would take getting used to, since you can’t flip back and forth between pages.

  • I too am a frequent note taker and list maker so this would work well for me. My grandkids would like it too.

  • I wonder if you have to pay for internet service, much like an-internet connected tablet.

  • Not having to buy paper is awesome. I would love this for my grandchildren and for our home. Thank you so much for sharing this

  • This would make it so much easier to always have lists and notes available without having to search all the time. Good for the environment too.

  • I’d love to be able to give one to my kids and each of my nieces and nephews.

  • I love that this technology is so accessible to the masses. It’s really quite adaptable to many uses.

  • What a cool invention. I want one. Thanks for posting!

  • I would like this for my daughter.

  • This perfect for my daughter since she is back in school.

  • I love the flexibility of the Rocketbook. You can make all your edits before saving it to your cloud app.

  • I love this for myself and my school aged daughter. Amazing that it erases with water.

  • I’m big on note-taking, too. List making helps solidify things in my mind.

  • (Never Buy Paper for School Again with the RocketBook Reusable Notebook) What a great product to have and own, this would be perfect for keeping track of all my Avon customers and their orders. Love that idea.

  • I take notes for every aspect of my life because when I blink it might just disappear…thank you chemo brain. It’s definately hard to keep a notebook handy…so, often times I have a bazillion sticky notes and scrape of paper..OR the ever popular go to…writing it somewhere on my skin ( my advise: stay away from the hands…it never ends well, yes even sharpie) I would love to check this out for sure!!! I’m intrigued and I love new and exciting things’

  • I am absolutely in love with new technology..and this would actually help me loads in class!!

  • I was the one who had color-coordinated notebooks and folders in school. I don’t know how I would have felt if I had this Rocketbook at the time. I know that now, I would love it for what I’d use it for.

  • I just can;t believe all this new technology they have come out with. This is great. It sounds so easy to use. Thank you so much for sharing this

  • This is an amazing use of technology. I am impressed by how useful this rocketbook is and how easy and simple it is to use.

  • I really want this for myself but I think my kids would love it, too. I’d love to get my hands on it and play with it.

  • I’d love this for my college work!

  • So much paper is wasted every day. It can also become expensive. This is great technology. Thank you so much for sharing this

  • This is very cool. I showed this to my adult son and he absolutely wants one. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  • This is a great idea. My granddaughter would love this.

  • As a cheer coach, I would use this to map out routines. I’m always looking for last year’s notebooks.

  • This is so cool, awesome concept.

  • i really need this one

  • This is just what I need! I am always a note taker. What a clever idea.

  • This is so nice. I have never heard of this before. This would be great for students and everyone. I would really like one of these. Thank you so much for sharing

  • What an awesome notebook! I absolutely love that it is reusable, what a great idea!!

  • I can think of so many ways we could use one of these!

  • This is so cool and I would love to use for work

  • This sounds nice looking good

  • This is so awesome! I am always filling up notebooks, so this would be awesome!!

  • I could really use this…serial note taker too.

  • Pingback: RocketBook Reusable Notebook Giveaway!! #RocketBook

  • What is there to keep children in elementary, middle and high school from sending or sharing the notes with each other? If everything is in or on the cloud what keeps children from cheating? It is definitely a good idea and it seems it is good for the environment because it saves trees and it seems to be saving money for parents by not having to buy more supplies. So yes, I see this as a good idea and a time and money saving idea.

  • I think this would be good for writing assignments but call me old school, I would rather have notes. It is kind of fascinating though

  • This is something that could save SO manu valubale resources! I think high schools should look into budgets for using something as this!

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