
New Elmer’s® Glow in the Dark Glue Gives DIY Slime a Luminous Twist

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New Elmer’s® Glow in the Dark Glue Gives DIY Slime a Luminous Twist

Endless creativity is now possible with the glow glue that comes to life in the dark

It glimmers, it glues, and it glows in the dark – it’s Glow in the Dark Glue, the latest innovation from Elmer’s®. Still basking in the afterglow of the slime trend, which took social media by storm in 2017, the crafting brand, recognized for its kid-friendly and creativity-fueling crafting solutions, has released their newest, most radiant addition to its line of adhesives.The specially formulated, washable and non-toxic Glow in the Dark Glue comes in luminous neon colors ideal for brilliant and bright slime creations. With Glow in the Dark Glue, slime makers can create easy-to-make and kid-friendly glow slime at home in addition to many other incandescent craft projects.

While Glow in the Dark Glue is great for slime, it also can be used for any arts and crafts projects that kids, parents and teachers might be making. Whether it is used for decoration or gluing, Glow in the Dark Glue provides endless possibilities. For the best results, expose the glue to light for at least two minutes before turning off the lights to watch it glow.

Glow in the Dark Glue comes in three different colors—Natural, Pink and Blue—and is available for purchase at nationwide retailers including Target, Walmart, Michael’s and Staples. Check out Elmer’s recipe for DIY Glow Slime! These would be great in Easter Baskets!!!

Imagine the endless possibilities available – pick yours up today. Want to be on in-the-know of the latest going on with Elmer’s? Stay connected socially for more information on Elmer’s Glow in the Dark Glue and other products. Visit or visit them on Facebook and Instagram.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “New Elmer’s® Glow in the Dark Glue Gives DIY Slime a Luminous Twist

  • I didn’t know elmers made glow in the dark glue, that is so cool and I bet their stocks are going up from everyone making slime, it’s the new “fidget spinner”

  • Slime, slime, slime. It’s everywhere! This would be a fun twist to it.

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