
No More Hard Plastic Seats with ComfiGO Booster Seat

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Protecting your kids while in a car is one of the most important things to do, and choosing the right booster seat when they outgrow their car seat can be a challenge. A lot of the booster seats out there are hard plastic with just a little bit of cushion and can be very uncomfortable for your child to sit on for a long period of time. comfiGo booster seats are flat, fits and stays right on your own cars seat and is a lot more comfortable. It also saves on space because you don’t have that bulky plastic seat back there.  

comfiGO® provides comfort like no other booster seat. There is no hard plastic to sit on; instead, our soft and cushiony device is placed directly onto your car seat. The underside is made of rubber material that holds the seat in place, meaning your child will no longer have to fidget to get comfortable because our product will stay exactly where it should be. 

About ClypX:

The ClypX® brand was created by a group of parents with backgrounds in engineering and many years of experience working in the child safety industry. Thanks to their hard work and knowledge, many products have been created that ensure the safety of children and the satisfaction of thousands of families.
Our motto, “Safety & Convenience,” is about bringing products to market that are exactly that: safe and convenient to use. We strive to achieve maximum effectiveness and compliance by designing products that are trustworthy and simple to use. Often, just having safe products is not enough when millions of parents choose not to use them due to their complexity and inconvenience.
The design of any ClypX® product is the result of observations in the industry and the market, combined with research and statistics on how products are used, misused, and often, not even used at all! This, topped with a willingness to acknowledge and respond to the real problems of parents around the world is how products like comfiGO® come to be. We work with an absolute belief in our products after many commercial tests have been performed by independent research institutes.

comfiGO® was designed as a direct response to customer feedback. It is an answer to traditional, clunky, and inefficient car booster seats that offers advanced safety features for more peace of mind.

Given its fundamental comfort and superior convenience, comfiGO® is THE foremost booster seat solution for both kids and parents. Boasting a soft-padded cushion, superior safety, and ease-of-mobility, it’s simple and easy to use for quick trips to the grocery store or for extended vacations to the beach. And unlike traditional car booster seats, which need to be removed for extra space when not in use, comfiGO’s unobtrusive and low-profile design allows you to use the entire seat like there’s nothing there. 

Most importantly, comfiGO® emphasizes safety. Like traditional booster seats, it helps to position the seat belt properly. However, it does so by bringing the seat belt down to the child, instead of raising the child up to the seat belt. Coupled with our patented use of anti-slip rubber padding on the bottom and an adjustable elastic lap belt band that helps to mitigate slouching, you can rest assured that you’ve chosen one of the safest and easiest-to-use booster seats on the market. 

Available for purchase on ClypX’s Website and on Amazon

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “No More Hard Plastic Seats with ComfiGO Booster Seat

  • ClypX comfiGO is an innovative car booster seat for children with advanced safety features that works in any car w/ a Lap or Shoulder Seat Belt System.

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