
OKBUYNOW Extendable Pet Carrier

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Do you travel with pets? I have two dogs and travel everywhere with them. One has a bit of travel anxiety, while the other is loves seeing anything and everything the world has to offer. I love being able to take them whenever my event allows and one way I keep my little guy safe and protected is with the OKBUYNOW Extendable Pet Carrier.OK Buy Now Pet Carrier -02

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Comfortable and secure, this extendable pet carrier comes with a fur liner to give your pet cushion and comfort while traveling. You can even put it into the seat of a car, open up the top and let your pet rest or look around while traveling. 51WG-u7f89LWith two handles and a shoulder strap, you can even take your smaller pet on a plane. While most planes require pets to be in the belly of the plane, if they are under 10 pounds and your carrier can fit under your seat, you can take them on-board with you. Max has traveled with me this way several times. LugaLake Pet Carrier 13775416_10208935416736735_425074874630623723_nThe extendable pet carrier by OKBUYNOW is water-proof, easy to clean and provides excellent ventilation throughout the carrier for ease and breathing for your pet. This carrier is 18″x 11″x 11″ and fits most small to middle size pets.

If you have a pet that you take with you everywhere, the extendable pet carrier by OKBUYNOW. is a must-have for your little loved ones. It is available on Amazon and is much more comfortable for your pet instead of those hard, plastic carriers. Be sure to see what all they have to offer.



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