
Ozeri Digital Blog Pressure Monitor #Review

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

I have had the change to review some amazing Ozeri products including their digital bathroom scale, ceramic non-stick frying pan & digital kitchen scale.

I am excited to bring you a new review from Ozeri – their wonderful CardioTech Pro Series Digital Blood Pressure Monitor.  Now I have the convenience of monitoring my blood pressure anytime, even in the comfort of my own home.

Ozeri CardioTech Pro Series


More about the blood pressure monitor:

  • New intelligent voice-guided feature alerts you to the proper positioning of your wrist for accurate blood pressure measurements.
  • Automatically provides an audible hypertension assessment via a new talking function (as well as a display on the LCD screen).
  • Portable, accurate, and simple-to-use with clinically proven technology, stores 180 blood pressure readings (90 x 2 users) with date and time recordings.
  • Automatic Irregular heartbeat (Arrhythmia) detection and Hypertension Indicator.
  • Push-button access to average blood pressure readings based on all readings in memory, AM versus PM readings, or the 3 most recent readings.

The cuff is so simple to use.  It comes with instructions on how to properly place and use on your wrist.  It also comes with two AAA batteries that are easy to install.

The cuff fits comfortably on your wrist and tells you when you are in the correct position to take your blood pressure.  It will have you auto-adjust your position until it is just right and will not start until then.

What I really like about this monitor is that it isn’t really tight and almost suffocating like others.  It gives you an accurate reading and saves your last 3 readings.

As you can see, my pressure is a bit high, but that is not uncommon for me.



I would highly recommend the Ozeri CardioTech Pro Series Digital Blood Pressure Monitor.  Whether you have an elderly loved one you can share this with, or even for your own peace-of-mind, this will be a true asset to your household.  Reasonably priced at just $59.95 normally, it is on sale right now for just $42.95*. What a great deal.

Thanks to Ozeri for another amazing product to review.  Ozeri constantly delivers high-quality, durable, lasting products for your household and personal needs.

*Prices subject to change.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

13 thoughts on “Ozeri Digital Blog Pressure Monitor #Review

  • This blood pressure monitor looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!

  • I like that. I have the old blood pressure monitor with the cuff. I’ve been meaning to replace it.

  • I have a blood pressure monitor but it doesn’t have all of the amazing features this one has. I really need to upgrade.

  • I have one and I love it. It’s nice to know what my blood pressure is and make sure my BP meds are working. This Ozeri one is really nice. 🙂

  • What an amazing Blood pressure monitor! I would love to get one of these for taking my grams blood pressure. It would be much easier not having go have her take her sweater off every time I take it.

  • I need to keep better watch on my pressure as had by pass 12 years ago, this looks nice and might think of trying it!

  • great review, well said, i really like the idea of having medical equipment like this at home, mostly when you have older parents , usually one thing is off it throws a whole lot off. i need to get this for me, thanks for the great review

  • I already have one and it work great.

  • Lol…blog pressure. I was told that the wrist type isn’t as accurate as the arm band. Have you tried both? Did you notice any difference?

  • Thanks for the info!! Great product for those who need to check pressure regularly

  • I like the wrist cuff. It’s nice that you can monitor your own without help.

  • I love this! My husband has to monitor his blood pressure regularly, and the machine we have is bulky and old – ready for an upgrade! We’ll check this one out at our local health supply store.

  • cool!

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