
Planet Sock Money “Eaton Dedd” #Review & #Giveaway

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Planet Sock Monkey


Patch Products offers some cool and unique toys, including this cute doll from their Planet Sock Monkey collection.

They have six, collectible dolls available and are priced at just $21.99 each.  The doll collection includes:


  • Eaton Dedd
  • Ima Bananerd
  • Long Sock Silver
  • M.O.N.K.
  • Magenta Beetsch
  • Star Harmonkey


I recently received “Eaton Dedd” to review and I must say he is absolutely adorable.  “A very hungry, undead zombie, forever in search of something to munch on…” as described by Patch Products.


Pick up the entire collection for the Sock Monkey fan in your life.


One lucky fan will win the chance to take Eaton Dedd home.  Patch Products is sponsoring this giveaway.  Simply follow the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win.  Giveaway is open to U.S. Residents, ages 18+ years of age.  Giveaway ends on 11/23/13.  Good Luck 🙂
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

14 thoughts on “Planet Sock Money “Eaton Dedd” #Review & #Giveaway

  • Both my boys love monkeys and zombies but considering you asked which “I” would want I say Planet Sock Monkey® Long Sock Silver! lbvs

  • I think these are so cute! I actually live about 2 miles from Patch! They’re really a great family company and my girls love their games.

    • I would choose Long Sock Silver, but I think I want them all 🙂

  • Planet sock Monkey M.O.N.K. is so adorable!!

  • eaton Dedd. My oldest daughter is zombie obsessed!!

  • Magenta Beetcsh

  • My daughter wants to have a monkey themed birthday party. This is soooo cute. She would love it.

  • I would like the Planet Sock Monkey Magenta Beetsch.

  • I like Long Sock Silver and Magenta.

  • My grandson would like Long Sock Silver. These are adorable.

  • Long Sock Silver!!!

  • m.o.n.k. i have half to have all of them! i love them!!

  • Long Sock Silver!!!

  • I would choose Ima Bananerd

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