
Polar Pillow & Polar Pillowcase with Turbo-Cooling Pack Review

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

I find that as I have aged,coupled with early menopause since my hysterectomy, I am constantly warm.  Even on the coolest of evenings, I feel like a sweat box!  I have lost sleep or have awakened in hot sweats due to the “change” my body has experienced the last few years.


Polar Pillow has changed all of that!  This pillow has become a Godsend to me and changed my entire way of sleeping.



Polar Pillow is an award-winning product that is filled with a cooling gel on one side, a soft linen on the other.  It comes with a turbo-cooling pad that slips easily between the center of the pillow, keeping in cool all night long.  This allows me to sleep peacefully and thoroughly through the night.  In the morning, I feel refreshed, clean and cool.




The pillow is extremely durable, yet comfortable and allows me to have complete comfort each night when I rest.  I no longer sweat, my body temperature is stable and I feel more productive lately thanks to the restful nights sleep I get each night with the help of my Polar Pillow.


If you have a favorite pillow that you just cannot part with and still struggle with night heat, consider Polar Pillows newest product, The Polar Pillowcase.




You can still maintain the comfort of your own pillow, but now stay cool all night long with the Polar Pillowcase. The pillowcase comes in a standard pillow size and is machine washable.



01_Turbo_cooling_pillowcase_WITH Pack


Both the Polar Pillow and the Pillowcase (used separately) each have a turbo-cooling pack that you place in the freezer for about an hour.  Once cooled, you then place it into the Polar Pillow or Pillowcase before going to bed.  This will keep you nice and cool through the night.  Cooling your body temperature is a vital part of a full, restful sleep, thus providing better overall health.


Right now you can save 15% off any purchase at Polar Pillow using code: FREEATLAST at checkout (good until 11/20/14)!  Be sure to check out all items available at Polar Pillow! Be sure to pick up your Polar Pillow or new pillowcase today for yourself or even someone on that special holiday gift list you may have.  You can also enter for a chance to win each product (hurry it ends on 10/28)


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Polar Pillow & Polar Pillowcase with Turbo-Cooling Pack Review

  • i am entering this really want one of these thanks for thew review

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