
How to Prepare Apartments for Moving

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Moving can be a great, time and effort consuming task. It requires a lot of packing, more than a little time spent preparing, and is met with a lot of hustle and bustle. However, if everything is planned and prepared beforehand, you can at least decrease the amount of hubbub and panic on the day of the move. Here we have briefed down ways that can help you prepare your apartments for a move.

Information Transfer

When you are moving, it is not just you and your possessions that move but also your information. This should be done beforehand so that you can focus on the other things later. You can go online and change your address, and you can call up utilities and make the transfer there. This is all important stuff that should be taken care of well beforehand.

Getting Boxes

If any of your friends have moved previously or maybe if you have, you can utilize used boxes and cartons for your move. However, if you do not have used ones, you are still going to have to buy new ones because no move can be completed without boxes and cartons. All the small stuff goes in them and they are very important.


When you are moving, you need to make sure that the items you have in your old home will fit in the new one. For this, all the big stuff that you plan on moving needs to be measured, such as sofa sets. Take the measurements beforehand, go to the new house and wherever you plan on placing the furniture, measure the space to see if they will fit.

What happens when something does not fit?

Well, there are two options. If the furniture or item that you have is dear to you and you want to still keep it in your possessions, go for a self storage facility and store that big stuff there. You can also use the facility to store extra stuff that you do not need.

If you do not want to keep it around, then the best option is selling it off.


When you are packing boxes, put categories of items into boxes so you can label them, such as books, bathroom items, bedroom stuff, etc. This helps for easier unpacking.


*Post provided by — professional moving company in San Francisco, San Jose, San Bruno and Bay Area

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