
Put your best foot forward with Funds2Orgs #Funds2Org #ad

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post written in partnership with the Bloggy Moms Network and Funds2Org. All opinions are my own.


Do you instill the sense of charity into your family?  If your closet is anything like mine, it is filled with shoes that I wear a few times a year, seasonally, or even never at all.  A pair of shoes to the average American does not nearly mean the same as someone from Africa, Asia or even Haiti.  We purchase shoes to match an outfit, make a statement or run a marathon.  Those in other countries are in need of shoes to work, attend a school or even survive based upon their surroundings and living conditions.


With an amazing company like Funds2Orgs, your mission or group can make a life-changing impact on those in need of shoes, all while earning a few dollars for your cause.

Funds2Orgs is a different type of fundraising organization. Through our shoe drive fundraisers we give you the opportunity to make a larger footprint through your cause. Your organization can save lives by providing employment to countries in need, repurposing metric tons of unrecyclable materials from landfills, creating good will, and igniting the fire to make a difference; all while raising revenue for your organization through a proven fundraising company.


Funds2Orgs is one of a few professional fundraising companies that get your entire team and donors involved in a roll-your-sleeves-up, engaging experience that will leave powerful, lasting impressions on the minds of everyone involved. Simply by collecting, distributing, and repurposing discarded shoes, we are able to turn your fundraising drives into revenue for you. Continue Reading and find more information here 
FREE Micro-Enterprise Curriculum

Funds2Orgs new Micro-Enterprise Curriculum allows schools across the country to teach the importance of good business and the role of micro-enterprises in worldwide communities. The hope is that students are inspired to host a shoe drive fundraiser for their school to raise money and make a global impact.
The Micro-Enterprise Curriculum has four levels:Elementary, Middle, High, and Homeschool. Each level is broken into 5 Modules: General Business, General Marketing, Micro-Enterprise Fundamentals, Creating a Micro-Enterprise Business Plan, and Finance. Accompanying worksheets and a complete teacher’s guide for each module will help students understand the importance of local businesses/ Micro-enterprises and their impact on worldwide communities.


To download the free school curriculum please fill out the brief form and you will be redirected to the download page.


Whether it is your school, church, mission or charity that is in needs of additional addition funding, Funds2Orgs is the best way for you to make a difference, give those in need the ability to put their own “best foot forward” with some shoes and earn a bit of capital for your own cause.
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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

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