
Remaining Independent into Old Age

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The longer you can retain your independence, the longer you can avoid having to move into an assisted living facility. It can enable you to remain in your home well into your golden years. Provided that you are in relatively good health, this is a great objective to aim for.

Financial Independence

Having financial independence after retirement allows you to make the best possible choices for your lifestyle after retirement. Thus, this starts well ahead of your last few working years as you build a nest egg and plan appropriately.

Staying Safe

The biggest danger that many elderly people face is frequent falls, which can result in broken bones, replacement surgeries, and limit your mobility. Ensure that your home is a safe space with nonslip mats and handrails. Position furniture so that you have plenty of room to walk around objects. This checklist will help you make your home safe.

Physical Health

Remain healthy well into old age by eating nutritious meals and staying in shape with moderate exercise. Follow a program and stick to minimum time allocations advised for those 65 years of age and older. Exercise with a friend or join a class so that you can increase your opportunities to socialize.

Remain Socially Active

As we age, many of the people we have associated with move into facilities or succumb to illness. Yet, it has been shown that having a social life keeps people more alert mentally and happier. Nurture your friendships and make time for regular get-togethers. If you have moved into a facility for independent senior living in Coronita, CA, there will be many opportunities to make new friends and expand your social circle. Take up new activities and feel young at heart. Be adventurous and make the most of your life.


Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the community and add purpose to your life. Choose a charity that has meaning for you. For example, if you love animals, you can offer your services for a few hours a week at an animal shelter. There is nothing more rewarding than giving an abandoned or abused pet a new beginning. You can even volunteer at a hospice – whatever you decide on, you will be making a difference to others in need.

A Positive Attitude

People who frequently count their blessings are a lot happier than those who are focused on their hardships. Truth be told, nobody’s life is perfect, and you are no exception. But remaining cheerful and optimistic makes a person more pleasant to be around and will enrich your friendships.  

Keep your Mind Active

An active mind is one of life’s pleasures. Keep your mind in shape just as you exercise your body to remain healthy. The more you use your brain, the better it will work. If your memory is not what it used to be, make lists and set reminders, e.g., to take your medication on time. Do quizzes and sudoku to enhance your mental ability. Above all, remain interested in life and explore new hobbies.

Aging with your independence largely intact will enable you to live a longer, richer life.

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