
Say “I Love You” in a Fun Way with GIANTmicrobes Hearts on #ValentinesDay

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Valentine’s Day is less than 2 weeks away. Looking for a fun, unique way to give your loved one all of your heart? You can literally give them a heart to share and show them a piece of love in the form of a GIANTmicrobes hearts. What are GIANTmicrobes?

GIANTmicrobes are plush organisms and cells, only a million times actual size!

  • Humorous, educational, collectible and fun
  • Each microbe includes a printed card with fun, educational and fascinating facts
  • Choose from over 150 different microbes and cells
  • Available in four sizes: 5-inch Originals, 12-inch XL, 2-foot Gigantics, 3-inch Minis in gift boxes & keychains
  • Perfect gift for students, scientists, teachers, health professionals & anyone with a healthy sense of humor!
  • Public Health agencies, associations, medical companies: customize to promote your mission or brand.

GIANTmicrobes are Fun and Educational for the Kids

For kids, GIANTmicrobes are super cute and have a wonderful teaching element about them! They are a great way to teach kids about the various parts of the body, both inside and out! Each GIANTmicrobes has a detailed card attached to help your child learn more about each part they receive. Their minds are like little sponges and this is the perfect age to introduce them to parts of the body that they can learn more about. Starting with the major organ, the heart, is a great way to incorporate learning with Valentine’s Day!

Whether your children are your little cupids Cupid’s Heart, a Heart of Gold, Young at Heart, experience a Broken Heart or connect with you Heart to Heart, GIANTmicrobes has them all and learn parts of the organ in fun, unique ways.

GIANTmicrobes Are Not Just for Kids!

Adults with a wicked sense of humor can join in the fun GIANTmicrobes also! Give your Valentine a fun Heart Box on Valentine’s Day. GIANTmicrobes has such a diverse, and detailed collection of diseases, organs and more, the comedic possibilities or “WHAT??” factor are endless.

From educational for the kids, too funny and humorous adult gifts – GIANTmicrobes are great for every occasion! Visit to learn more and see the large variety of gift sets, cells, and microbes.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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