After School Must-Have For Kids #TriedAndTruMoo
Now that kids have settled back into the routine of school each day, life is a bit more stable in my household. I am all about routines and consistency and after-school time is no exception.
Here are some essentials I find important to have in the house for our after-school routine.
Reading keeps their developing minds active and sharp. I like to keep our bookshelf stocked up with tons of adventures they can dive into and enjoy. Getting lost in a great book is healthy and helps creativity and knowledge.
Snacks and Drinks
Having provisions stocked in the home to keep their mind and body healthy is important. I like to keep fresh fruits, veggies and other health snacks around the house for them to munch on before dinner. One of their favorite snacks is a cool glass of TruMoo Chocolate Milk. TruMoo is milk right from the dairy. It has no artificial growth hormones, no high-fructose corn syrup, no GMO’s and is a great source of calcium. On top of all of that goodness, the flavor is amazing.
TruMoo is the one snack that this mom will always say “Yes” to upon request.
Free Time
While routines are great, I firmly believe that each kid needs free time to do things they love. Giving them a set time to play outdoors, enjoy their favorite video game or even a fun TV show is important. It shows them that there is always time for slowing down, enjoying the little things in life and have some creative freedom.
Family Time
Each day, it is important to engage your kids in conversation. As them how their day went, what activities they did or things they learned. Don’t settle for just answers like “Good” or “Okay” or “Fine”. Really engage them, talk to them, let them know it matters. Let them know you genuinely care, that talking is important.
What are some of your after-school essentials? Comment below and tell us some products or ideas you share with your family.
I discovered the deliciousness that is trumoo while traveling and stopping at a gas station and making a trumoo impulse purchase. So happy I did because that’s my favorite chocolate milk brand.
We have been drinking TruMoo for years and I don’t worry about the grandkids drinking it, because of the above reasons you mentioned. We keep books around for them and board and video games for when they are here. Don’t know too much of what they do at home.
My after school essentials are cheese and crackers. I like raw cow milk cheese from Organic Valley and crackers from Crunchmaster.