
S’mores Cupcake Recipe

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Nothing says summer like s’mores on a bonfire.  Unfortunately, I and a lot of other people don’t have bonfires handy.  Instead I make s’mores cupcakes and you can too!


Because of all the components of this cupcake you could think that it would be a lot of hard work to get it right, but there are a lot of easy short cuts.  Here is what you will need:

Graham Cracker Crust


Graham Crackers or Graham Cracker Crumbs – 1 1/2 cups

Butter – 3 tablespoons melted

Sugar – 1/4 cup



Chocolate Cake Mix


Vegetable oil




Marshmallow Fluff – 1 Jar

Your Favorite Chocolate Icing – 1 can

Powdered Sugar – 1/4 cup



Teddy Grahams

Mini Marshmallows


You will also need 2 lined cupcake pans with room for twelve cupcakes each (or something comparable).

Step one is to make the graham cracker crust.  This will line the bottom of cupcake liner.  Use a blender or food processor to make graham cracker crumbs and pour them into a bowl.  Add the sugar and stir until it is incorporated.  Melt the butter in a microwave and add half to the crumbs and sugar.  The goal is to be able to clump the crumbs together without having them be wet or drippy.  Stir in the first half of the butter and then add more in small increments until you reach the right consistency.  Scoop a small amount into each liner and once they each have an even amount press them the piles into place either with your fingers or the back of the spoon.

Step two is to put together the cake mix according to the directions on the box, and then to scoop that cake mix into each liner on top the graham cracker crust.  Yay for an easy step two!

Step three involves marshmallow fluff, which is always a good thing.  Warning: Marshmallow fluff is very sticky and will adhere to everything.  Absolutely everything.  I just used a standard kitchen spoon to scoop about a tablespoon into the center of the cake batter.  Push the fluff down gently so it is a bit sunk in the batter.  Stick the sheets in the oven and the cake will bake as the top of the marshmallow browns, which gives you that little bit of toasty flavor.

Step four, when the cupcakes are cool they will need icing.  Chocolate icing is very finicky to make from scratch.  Cocoa is naturally bitter so balancing it can be hard and melted chocolate chips are hot and melty.  So I like to tamper with already made chocolate icing as a base.  For this recipe, I took about 3/4 of the can of chocolate icing and whipped in a 1/4 of a cup of marshmallow fluff.  Marshmallow fluff is runnier than icing (and in case you were thinking about it, fluff will not stay on top of a cupcake if you try to use it for icing, it will slide off in a very messy way).  I also add a 1/4 cup of powdered sugar.  This will add body to the icing.

Load the icing into a piping bag and put swirls on top of each cupcake.  Top with a teddy graham or two and a mini marshmallow.  Enjoy!

Smore Cupcake Closeup



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