
Strategies For Increasing Sales That Work For Small Businesses

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How many sales do you make per month? In the business world, that’s a very personal question. But it’s also an important one. You need to know how your sales stack up against the competition! If you don’t have an equal or greater amount, you could be losing out on a lot of other things in the future. 

But let’s focus on the here and now for the time being. When you have a good level of sales, you won’t stagnate, you won’t miss out on opportunities, and you provide a very healthy basis for future growth. If you want to foster this over the next few months, put tips like these into action. 

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Get on Social Media

Social media is the best place for customer engagement. When you talk to them on a level they’re familiar and comfortable with you come across as a lot more friendly, and a lot less demanding! You’re simply another account they follow, and you share content they want to see and interact with. 

As such, make sure there’s plenty of content there for them to get involved with. You don’t want every story or reel you put out to be a promotion, or to encourage them to buy or book, but you do want to offer value to their experience. 

This could mean publishing informative blog posts and linking to them, or it could mean sharing customer stories and reviews. If you can get a bit of user generated content going, that’s even better! 

Keep Your Inventory Well Stocked

A well stocked inventory means there’s always something the customer wants when they come in. You won’t fall into the trap of disappointing them through a lack of product, especially if you’ve got a popular flagship product that everyone asks for. Keep the inventory topped up and you never miss the chance to make a sale. 

Think inventory management might get tricky and/or expensive after a while? Not if you’ve got the right tech on hand. Indeed, work with merchant service provider North and you could even report on and refill your inventory from the checkout. If the job can get done all in one place, that’ll save you a lot of time during your shift! 

Run Regular Promotions

Regular promotions pique everyone’s interest, especially amongst customers that have been thinking about purchasing from you for a while but haven’t quite taken the plunge yet. 

If you put out a regular promotion, such as a monthly money off coupon for the first 30 people to see a certain social media post, people are going to flock to your pages across the internet to find out how they can score their deal. 

Don’t save a method like this for when you really need to make sales. Doing so will mean you still miss out. Instead, use them regularly throughout the year, even when your profit margin is looking very healthy. 

Small business owner? Become a sales champion with these tips!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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