
Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon GC #StockingStuffer #BTEvents

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November Giveaway Hop!

Are you ready for the holiday season? It’s quickly approaching. Get ready for some holiday fun with our our latest giveaway hop with so many chances to enter and win!  

It’s Free At Last and so many other great blogs are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU! 

***The Giveaway***

 1 winner will receive $15 Amazon Gift Card!

Giveaway is open to US Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 11/29/22.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for your chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

109 thoughts on “Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon GC #StockingStuffer #BTEvents

  • Since it’s so cold and busy, I have no choice but to stay home and relax and enjoy my family & pets!

  • I like decorating for the holidays

  • All the lights that are on in the dark, and being cozy and warm inside.

  • ItIt use to be watching the Peanut Holiday Specials, but now I have to make due aith the other ones like Frosty and Rudolph etc.

  • I like watching Christmas movies this time of the year.

  • Decorating the tree while listening to Dean Martin’s Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate with the kiddo.

  • This time of the year I enjoy decorating our home for the holidays.

  • I love the lights, snow, and family visits!

  • Christmas and time with my family

  • I like decorating for Christmas.

  • I love letting the kids decorate the tree, cooking, watching holiday movies, and spending time with my kids.

  • My favorite thing is decorating the tree as a family.

  • I love to spend Christmas with my family!

  • I love the giving spirit everyone has and the spirit of the holidays.

  • I look forward to all the cooking and baking.

  • The cooler weather, the family, the food, the Christmas lights and music and decorations. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • The Weather is my favorite thing about this time of year

  • The weather and family gatherings

  • I live in the South – so the cooler weather

  • I love getting my home decorated and all the baking that I will be doing. Always busy but fun!

  • Being able to get out of work to see my family, and decorating is my second!

  • I love the holidays and spending time with family.

  • I love all of the decoration and lights.

  • I am liking the fall holidays

  • I love getting a break from work and getting to fly to NY to see my family!

  • I love decorating the house with my kids and seeing the excitement on my kids’ faces.

  • I enjoy being with family more during the holidays and the cooler weather.

  • I love the cooler weather, the longer nights, getting to spend more time with family and all of the delicious holiday food that is only served this time of year. Thank you for participating in the Hop

  • I love the weather and the decorations this time of year!

  • I love preparing for the upcoming holidays this time of year.

  • i like that we see the best in people this time of year.

  • I love preparing for Christmas ridiculously early!

  • I like the fall weather.

  • I seriously love all the fall colors and the weather as it starts to cool down Perfect chance to sit around the firepit out on the deck and enjoy the season!

  • Doing the Salvation Army Tree knowing that by picking a tag and filling a child’s Xmas wishes

  • I love the colorful leaves and cooler temperature.

  • Christmas music!

  • These are fun!

  • I love cooking with all the different squashes and potatoes

  • the music!!!

  • The changing of the leaves. I would say cooler weather but i live in the south!

  • I love watching my kids get into the spirt of christmas

  • I love to decorate, craft, and bake during the Christmas season

  • Love the color changes in the trees and hiking because it is not too cold

  • I love the snow on the trees and all the decorations!

  • Love the color changes in the trees and a nice cool breeze.

  • Looking ahead to Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • getting ready for the holidays, spending time with family

  • I love the cooler weather, so I can break out all my comfy clothes and blankets!

  • Spending time with family and friends.

    • Mr favorite thing about this time of year is the cooler weather and the fact that hurricane season is over!

  • Decorating our house for Christmas! My husband makes me wait until Thanksgiving but I’m getting ready!

  • I love the holiday decorations.

  • My favorite thing about this time of year is all the wonderful songs in the concerts from churches, schools and such. Thank you for the giveaway!

  • I like all the sales and buying Christmas presents

  • i like the cooler weather

  • I enjoy the cool weather, and being more around family.

    Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  • Cooler weather.

  • the good cheer

  • I slow down a bit, not as much traveling and family reunions.

  • It isn’t hot anymore.

  • The icicles on the house and snow falling.

  • Nice comfortable air temperature outside and the season’s holidays

  • i love holiday decorations, it’s fun to see them all.

  • Cooler weather

  • I like the crisp air.

  • My favorite time of the year used to be going thru neighbors looking at Christmas lights with my dad.

  • I like the snow.

  • I love Christmas baking.

  • I enjoy the cooler weather.

  • Hoodie weather, hot chocolate, and wrapping christmas gifts.

  • I love seeing all of the decorations and getting together with family that I haven’t seen in a while.

  • The cooler weather

  • I like it when its not 100 outside so cooler weather is so nice.

  • Cooler weather

  • The colder weather is my favorite thing.

  • My favorite thing about this time of the year is the cooler weather, the autumn leaves and the excitement in the air about the upcoming holidays.

  • I love that there is no humidity

  • I like the homemade Christmas cookies

  • My favorite thing about this time of year is the little ones so excited for Christmas.

  • Store brand Eggnog. It;’s only available this time of year- I find it soothing, especially first thing in the morning.

  • I love spending time with the family. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • I enjoy the cooler weather this time of the year as I live in Florida.

  • I love seeing all the Christmas lights and the festive decorations!

  • I love the fall leaves and cooler weather of this time of year.

  • I like the cooler weather and bonfires. Thank you

  • I like the holiday decorations

    • I love the cooler weather and spending time with my family.

  • Hibernating! When you just want to get comfy and ready a book.

  • I love the changing seasons

  • I love the festive holiday / cheer!

  • The decorations, the Christmas shopping & all the delicious food! 🙂

  • I like preparing the house for the holidays. Getting the decorations and lights up.

  • cooler weather, festive colors, that Christmas feeling.

  • well with out cold snowy weather only thing I like right now is staying in the house where it is warm, too cold too soon, it looks very pretty out but too cold to enjoy it

  • I like the cooler weather and changing colors.

  • I love how no matter what the culture is just about everyone is celebrating something. It’s a great time to learn about other cultures and experience new things

  • I enjoy the cooler evenings.

  • My favorite thing is the cooler weather.

  • The “warmth” of the season. The food. the family gatherings.

  • I love the beautiful sights and smells of the autumanl season. Once the leaves have all fallen, however I’m done and ready for spring.

  • My favorite thing is decorating for the holidays!

  • I love the cheer and happy around the holiday season

  • I like the weather this time of year.

  • My favorite thing about this time of year is Thanksgiving and spending time with my family.

  • Christmas!

  • Cooler weather, roasted chestnuts, mulled wine..

  • The weather

  • Anticipation of the Christmas holidays is my favorite thing about this time of year.

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