
Surprise Dad with Treats from Booze Dogs #BoozeDogsPartner

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This Father’s Day, give dad something unique and flavorful that he will absolutely love…snacks and treats from Booze Dog.

What is Booze Dogs?

Are you curious about what Booze Dogs is? Booze Dogs is a rescue story spotlighting the critical role that friends play in our lives as we all combat feeling isolated, lonely, and bored. Booze + Food + Friendship is “The Good Life.” It is social food that fosters friendship. It is an excuse to invite and to share with guests, or to send a gift of appreciation to a friend afar.

Booze Dogs has a wide line of meat products including Jerky, Snack Sticks, Burgers, Hot Dogs and Bratwursts. Flavors include Bluetick Bourbon Jerky, Prime Ginister or Jolly Rover Rum. If you are unsure which you want to try first, consider getting a variety pack. As an added bonus, you can save 15% off your entire order using code TRY15.

Hurry and get your order in today, and surprise dad this Father’s Day with tasty treats from Booze Dogs.

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One thought on “Surprise Dad with Treats from Booze Dogs #BoozeDogsPartner

  • Very nice gift

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