
It’s the #TasteofItaly Time at Kroger! Find great BOGO deals this week

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Have you been to your local Kroger this week? If you haven’t, now would be the time to go. During the “Taste of Italy” campaign (through 9/27), you can find authentic items hand-selected by Kroger staff that has been imported from Italy.taste-of-italy

As an ADDED BONUS – you can purchase select items and receive a second item for free. Below is a summary of each deal (through 9/27):

  • Purchase Mila Mascarpone cheese, get a Fomo Bonomi Ladyfingers FREE
  • Purchase Veroni Grab & Go Sliced Meat, get a Pan Ducale Crostini Crackers FREE
  • Purchase Madama Oliva Olives, get a Groski Cheese Bits FREE
  • Purchase Carando Meatballs or Italian Sausage, get Tagliatelle Pasta or Fresh Antica Pasteria Pasta FREE
  • Purchase Tanara 20-Month Prosciutto, get Panealba Breadsticks FREE
  • Purchase Orti D’Italia Pasta Sauce, get Di Martino Pasta FREE

Also, be sure to check the digital coupons section to find even more savings on some of your favorite Italian items. Simply load the digital coupons to your Kroger Plus card and the savings will automatically register at checkout.

One of my favorite parts about the “Taste of Italy” campaign are the AMAZING recipes available. You can find dozens of recipes online. My personal favorite is the Tagliatelle Pasta with sauce. italian-pasta

They give you a comprehensive list of ingredients needed, and the option to add them to your digital shopping list. That way you can conveniently print it off and take it with you on your next shopping trip to get everything you need. Several of the BOGO offers are part of many of these recipes, which is EXTRA SAVINGS!

Want the chance to win 1 of 650 Kroger Co. Family Gift Cards? Simply vote for your favorite Italian recipe and you are entered. Be sure to read the Official Rulessavor-flavorBe sure to check back as I share some of my own favorite Italian recipes, all with items found exclusively at Kroger as part of the “Taste of Italy” campaign.

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