
MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set Makes Nail Trims a Breeze!

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Dogs, or any pet, are a wonderful blessing to have. My dogs give me comfort, love, friendship, etc. In order to keep my best friends as happy and healthy as they should be, good grooming habits are essential. Good grooming entails regularly bathing, brushing and, of course, trimming their nails. Bathing helps get rid of germs and bacteria that cause skin issues. Our pets nails can be a source of not only discomfort, when allowed to grow out, but also leg and joint pain. Long nails can also snag on carpets and rugs, which carries the risk of torn nails. which are very painful and can become infected. With all that said, sometimes trimming their nails is easier said than done. However, a good pair of nail clippers like the MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set can make all the difference in the world!

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set

I love my MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set! This set has high quality professional nail clippers and stainless steel nail file included. The MIUPET Nail Clippers have a sharp precise blade, which helps to smoothly and quickly cut your pets nails. Again, I will stress – the right pet nail clippers can make all the difference in the world! When using nail clippers, you want to be able to work quickly and efficiently.

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set fits your hand perfectly

The nail clippers have an ergonomic handle and have a very comfortable feel in your hand. I have average hands for a woman, however they are small enough for small handed people and comfortable enough to fit larger hands also. They have rubber grips on the outside of each handle to ensure a nice solid grip without slipping.

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set is curved for better control

One of my favorite features is the curved design of the cutting end. This design makes it easy to hold in your hand, while directing the cutting tip towards the nail. It is helpful because it keeps the nail and cutting blade within the line of sight, without your hand blocking your vision and risking a bad cut!

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set - how it works

To use the nail clippers, simple push the metal plate upward to create the resistance for cutting ability. When finished lower back down.

The MUIPET Professional Nail Clipper Set also comes with a nail file. After clipping your dog’s nails, finish by using the nail file to smooth off any rough edges. I have to come clean on this part. This is one step I don’t do as often as I should. Sometimes, clipping is all you can manage in one sitting!

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set with German Shepherd Lab Mix

Simple Tips for Dog Nail Trimming

•I let my dogs run, romp, chase and play for a while before attempting. Letting them expend energy and get tuckered out gives you the advantage of them wanting to lie down and rest before you tackle the nail cutting chore! After playing and they are relaxed – take advantage and get to clipping! If you try to trim their nails when they are hyper and excited, it never goes very well.

•If need by, I like to lay my dogs on their side and use one arm to gently hold them. When dealing with a struggling pup, it sometimes help to have a partner help by rubbing their chest and belly and/or offer a treat to distract them from what you are doing.

•Even if you have experience in cutting pet nails, I always recommend having some styptic powder (available in stores and online) on hand, or nearby to control bleeding – just in case. I have only clipped one nail to short in all my years of cutting nails and believe me, it is definitely worth having on hand to help stop the bleeding quickly!

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set

A word of caution!

These are professional nail clippers.  The nail clippers DO NOT have a nail guard. Personally, I prefer nail clippers without the guard. If you are uncomfortable trimming your dogs nails, or haven’t had much experience, these may – or may not – be for you. I am NOT a professional dog groomer, however I am comfortable with the nail trimming process. If you are a pet owner that trims your dog’s nails on a regular basis, I still vouch that you should have no problem at all with the MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set.

MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set with German Shepherd Lab Mix

The dogs, and I, are truly enjoying the MUIPET Professioanl Nail Clipper Set! Over the years, I have used both good and bad pet nail clippers. Some I liked better than others. I have been using one particularly set for a couple of years now and thought it was my nail clippers of choice. However, I have now adopted the MUIPET Professional Nail Clipper set as my all time favorite! Take it from someone with 7 dogs! Let’s do the math – that’s 28 paws with 112 toes and 14 dew claws to clip on a monthly basis EEK! Who knows, maybe I should be called a professional toe nail clipper 🙂 I can, and will, recommend the MUIPET Professional Nail Clippers. They are easy to work with, high quality and simply AMAZING!

MUIPET Professional Nail Clipper Set features in a nutshell:

  • Professional and high quality nail clippers
  • Suitable for all kinds of pets: dogs, cats, birds, etc.
  • High quality stainless steel blades for clean cutting
  • Ergonomic and comfortable handle, fits perfectly in the hand
  • Comes with matching stainless steel pet nail file

Want to try the MUIPET Professional Nail Clipper Set?

You can find the MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set on Amazon VERY reasonably priced! Grab a set for you and your dog to try! They are truly worth their weight in gold and you may be like me and never go back to your other nail clippers!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

29 thoughts on “MIUPET Professional Nail Clipper Set Makes Nail Trims a Breeze!

  • I cut my cat’s nails every other wk. He sharpens them so much, I have no choice. He hates it, and I don’t love it either. If these are easier than the cutters I have, I would gladly trade for them. I always buy the best they have for cats because I don’t want to do any harm.

  • I have been super anxious about trimming my dogs nails. I always have it done at the dog wash. Its $10 bucks each time. I should really consider learning how to do it!

  • I love the curved design of this set of clippers. Also its made with sturdy stainless steel. I’m in the market f a good pair of pet clippers too.
    Thanks for this review, very helpful!

  • My dog hates getting her nails clipped and it takes me with my husband to do it! I usually just take her to the vet and of course she doesn’t fuss bit there! She loves the car ride there and back, though! 🙂 I really like that the Miupet clippers have high-quality stainless steel blades for quick clean cutting and have an ergonomic and comfortable handle, that fits perfectly in the hand! I’d love to try these but I would never attempt the filing!

  • I have always been afraid that I would cut wrong and it would hurt our little guy. With these clippers and your instruction, I belive I can do it. I’m going to get some of these clippers. I love that the cutter is where you can just use your finger and cut. Thanks bunches from me and our little guy.

  • This is great education on how to trim my dogs nails! For such a pretty Lady she does not like being held down to trim her nails!

  • Nice set! Need this for the dog!

  • I have a bunny whom I have always taken to the vet (and encountered bills) because I was always afraid to try and clip her nails…if this can work on a bird..I need it for my bunny…thank you

  • Those look like really well made clippers made with nice materials. I’ve used ones I bought at pet stores and they tear the nail instead of cut it cleanly which makes it miserable for everyone. I can tell by looking at these they’re the real deal and I agree with you, I don’t like the nail guard either, it blocks my view too much.

  • I need to get these. My dogs do not let me clip their nails. I always have to take them to the groomer to get it done.

  • Always nervous about clipping the dogs nails. Especially when the dog is squimish as well. This set does look well made.

  • My dog hates getting her nails clipped I may have to try these clippers!

  • These look like a great sturdy set. They would also make a great stocking stuffer for our dogs.

  • These look like very nice clippers.I haven’t cut our dogs nails we always let the vet.

  • I think its so important to have a good pair of these and also one must know how to use
    them for the sake of the dog..

  • I think its so important to make sure you have a good pair of these and to make sure you actually know how to use
    them on your pets.

  • These are good.

  • These are good idea if you know how to use them. I really prefer to take him to the vet and let them do it. Thank you for the review.

  • Nails can be tough, yay for ease

  • I’d love to have these for my dogs. Thanks for posting!

  • Definitely would try these.

  • I need these! My dog is always so apprehensive about having his claws cut, It ends up taking me an hour to calm him and trim each nail.

  • Definitely would prefer one with a guard. All it takes is a sudden move at the wrong time to trim too short & cause problems without one.

  • I have a hard time doing it quickly, see my dog has a severe anxiety since he was a pup getting his nails cut, I think the one time we had him groomed they weren’t as gentle as we are and now he is afraid. We need a clipper that can be gentle but quick to help ease his anxiety, I will be purchasing these for sure!

  • Thanks for sharing this. I have a dog but have to let the vet clip her nails because she will bite me.

  • I would like to get a set of professional clippers….. great review!

  • I have never been comfortable with trimming my dogs nails. My first dog i didn’t do it, second one I did and had problems so tried with the vet but they weren’t much better, now with Buddy I can barely get him in the bath not sure how he would react to a nail trimming.

  • My dogs nails are black (I see you have the same issue) so it is very difficult trimming them. It takes 2 of us to get the job down so as you say a good pair of trimmers is essential

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