
The 4 vital tips to create a memorable and attractive brand

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The question that plagues most marketers who have just arrived on the scene is mostly the same  “How does one go about the process of creating a memorable brand?” Not only is this one of the toughest aspects to deal with, but if you are clueless about where to even start, then you can be sure that things will not go well for you in the long run. Many services go for a detached and cold approach, which will not get you anywhere eventually. This is primarily because with such an approach, none of the customers are going to be drawn towards any of your products or services in general. You can be sure of that fact.

The type of appeal that you want to create could be anything from corporate merchandise by Arcadia Corporate Merchandise Ltd to even specialised services as well. That choice always lies with you, but what you certainly need to focus on is the fact that your entire brand needs to be extremely memorable and strong with a warm and personal approach if you wish for customers to remember you in the long run. Of course, there are risks associated with going against the norm, but as they say “The greater the risk, the greater the reward”. This is all about tackling the aspects that you are most afraid to deal with.

On that note, here are the top four tips to create a memorable brand:-

  • The use of colloquial language: There are two ways that you can kill the customer’s enthusiasm and interest in your brand – the usage of either boring jargon or highly complicated language. Hence, the solution is simple – take the middle approach and unless it is absolutely necessary, use the same language that you use to speak to your friends, to your customers. It is as simple and straightforward as that. There is really no need for any meaningless complex words that nobody will be able to make heads or tails of.
  • A subtle sense of humour: Most marketers are hesitant of this approach but guess what – this could very well be the primary aspect that sets you apart from the rest. From using ‘LOL’ at the correct time to even narrating a short and funny story, there are no limits as to how one can go about the process.Most of all, it doesn’t have to be anywhere specific as numerous studies have shown that the service that are most successful at it have incorporated light humour on their landing pages, newsletters and webpages alike. Nowadays, there are a lot of professional writers that specialise in writing mainly humorous content.
  • The merging of in-store experiences with online ones: Now this is something a lot of businesses struggle with, especially in the age of technology today. The best way to go about this is to focus solely on creating an offline experience that mirrors the online experience of your business. For instance, once you find products that are most popular with your customers, you can highlight these very products at the respective stores using social media.
  • Make things more personal: Even though people might find this a tad confusing at first, it is a lot more straightforward than that. Sure, shopping has been made a lot more convenient thanks to technology, but one also must keep in mind the fact that things can be taken too far with the automation process.Hence, going out of your way to know the names of your customers as well as being available on all platforms goes a long way towards building a level of comfort and trust with your customers.

Additionally, a lot of people neglect, not the call to action, but how it can be employed in the best manner. For instance, you can put it in a link that is attached to your startup page as well as your email signature. With so many aspects of marketing and branding becoming more machine-like due to the rise of technology and artificial intelligence, here is your chance to set your apart from the rest of your peers in an extremely memorable and exciting fashion. Not all the above pointers are must-haves, but one must look at their company, what works for them in a particular scenario and then take things forward from that point.



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