
The Details In the Diet: Being Vegan

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The vegan diet is not a straight line to follow. It is a path that many women are choosing to make and it is not a flippant decision that should be taken as a fad or trend. Although there has been veganism in hundreds and thousands of years of history in different cultures, our food system has changed greatly along with our knowledge of biology and nutrition. Well, if you’re new to veganism, there are things you should consider knowing that being vegan takes a lot of effort from the get-go. We eat differently because we live differently than any other time in history. To look at history for information and references is a great resource, but we must also take into consideration our present world and the food it is producing. As vegans, we are only as healthy and nutrient dense as our growing food supply. As women, we have specific nutrient needs that vegan men may not.


One of the growing concerns for all people going vegan is the quality of our food supply. Our food is only as quality as our soil. Our plants as heirloom as their seed’s DNA. Both of our soil and seeds have been degrading in population since the industrial revolution and it is a point of concern for the modern vegan women. In the past, many common foods that thrived locally gave us all the nutrition we needed. The soil was balanced in vitamins and minerals which then became apart of what we ate. Unfortunately, in modern times the majority of plant food being produced for mass consumption is lacking major components of nutrition. There are still farms and gardens committed to growing wholesome food with heirloom or organic seeds and in nutrient-dense earth. This is very important to consider when buying your food. With this discrepancy in the food supply and laws that regulate knowledge based facts, it is important to take vegan vitamins for women.

By introducing high-quality supplements, we can close some of the nutritional gaps we experience in the food supply. For most women, it is important to learn to consume a higher quantity of plants to get the same nutritional results we once got in the past. This can lead to bloating and uncomfortable symptoms in the transition. It is true that as a vegan woman you will have to uptake your consumption of plant materials, but it doesn’t have to lead to being uncomfortable. A high-quality potent supplement will help you make sure you are consuming enough of the vital elements. Omega 3’s, vitamin D, and vitamin B are some of the nutrients we struggle to stay on top of. It can be easy and lead to effective success to add these nutrients to your vegan regime.

Checkout these best vegan meal deliveries and learn the nutrient-filled and delicious plant-based dishes


Three aspects of successfully living a vegan lifestyle is the balance between being female, sustainably eating vegan, and continuing to be in balance with the environment. Everything heals from a balanced state, so keeping these practices as priority will continue to benefit all three aspects. Generally, when someone starts a vegan journey, they begin to learn more and more about the earth and the local environment. This knowledge goes hand in hand with the lifestyle. Without learning how to sustainably revitalize our soil that grows our food, a healthy vegan life is cut short.

Being female and vegan in the new era of lower quality food brings even more challenges to staying balanced. If our hormones are not in balance we all feel the effects. Our food supply has been a source of this imbalance as fertilizers and plant food are full of hormone inducing pharmaceuticals. This can be why some women choose to become vegan is the dairy and meat world have become inundated with hormone use. It is important to know what soil and products are being used to grow your plants as well as how they are being processed. Keeping hormonal balance is one of the most important scales when considering diet.

Becoming aware of your nutritional landscape is difficult, but also one of the most important things you can do as a women vegan. Women are typically the food creators and providers in a family and it is very important to the future of females everywhere to pass down this knowledge and practice.


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