
Top 10 Nutrient Dense Foods to Stay Healthy Longer

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Do nutrient-dense foods have a lot of calories? You might ask yourself this question depending on why you want to switch to this kind of diet. Nutrient-dense foods have little calories, and if consumed throughout human’s life it will have a great positive impact on one’s health as it can help to prevent many diseases. Also, it will help you live longer and even lose weight naturally. Here are top 10 nutrient-dense foods that will help you stay healthy and live longer. 

Shellfish are rich in nutrients such as potassium, copper, zinc, iron, vitamin D and B12 among others. They contain enough vitamin B12 as per human RDA. Even though they are nutritious, people rarely eat them since some believe that they contain too much fat whereas that is not true.

Almonds are top healthiest foods. They are nutrient dense since they have vitamin B2 and E, fiber, calcium, magnesium and iron. Almond has been found to help in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and prevent constipation due to the presence of fiber.

They are a good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds contain polyphenol compound that is known in preventing against cancer.

They are high in antioxidants, hence, help in destroying free radicals in the body. According to research, apples help in raising the levels of healthy cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol levels. Also, they contain polyphenol compound.

Dark leafy veggies
These vegetables are full of nutrients such as fiber, iron, vitamin C, K, B6, B9, manganese, phosphorus among others. Vegetable like cabbages have been found to lower the chance of diabetes type 2. Having these veggies in your daily meals will ensure you eliminate eating now and then since they make you feel full for longer. Therefore, they are good even when you intend to cut some kilos just like, having them in ample amount in your daily meals will help.

Sweet potatoes
They may have a lot of carbohydrates, but the thing is that they are rich in numerous nutrients. Carbohydrates in them are slowly digested due to high fiber in sweet potatoes and are rich in iron, vitamin C and A, potassium just to mention a few.

Whole eggs
Eggs are a source of protein and contain vitamin B12 and 2. They supply the body with energy and help in the production of red blood cells. Also, they contain leucine, an essential amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis.

Is garlic food? Garlic will work wonders if you consume it regularly. It lowers LDL levels, the rate of heart problems, risk of cancer and blood pressure. It is rich in selenium, copper, potassium, vitamin B6, B1, C, copper and calcium.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds help in maintaining stable blood sugar as it preventing getting hungry faster due to the high content of fiber. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Also, they help in maintaining brain functions.

Raspberries are low in sugar since they are high fiber. They help in stabilizing blood glucose and make one get full very fast. You may combine raspberries with any fruit and vegetable salad and smoothie that you may desire.

There are many nutrient dense foods that you can consider to eat to stay healthy. If you crave sugary foods such as ice cream, make yourself a fruit salad to avoid eating foods that are harmful to your body. Protect your general health by minding what you eat.

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10 thoughts on “Top 10 Nutrient Dense Foods to Stay Healthy Longer

  • This is a great article about nutrient-dense food, I didn’t know much about it until I’ve read it here. I love shellfish, I guess I’ll start from there and add it with the rest on the list.

  • This is a really helpful list! There’s a reason the old saying was “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” I guess!

  • Pingback: Top 10 Nutrient Dense Foods to Stay Healthy Longer - Healthy Moment

  • This is a great list.

  • I am always on the lookout for superfoods! It’s fascinating once you begin to
    learn more about the human body, and how much more easily nutrients are absorbed through eating food. This is a really great list. The only things I haven’t tried are the chia and flax seeds. Thank goodness I already like apples!

  • Awesome ideas. Me & my family eat a lot of these items. We have really been on a quest to eat healthier foods. Thanks for sharing.

  • We already eat a lot of these. I especially love shellfish!

  • We have been trying to eat healthy at our house. We do eat several of these products but there are some I need to add to our diet. Thank you so much for sharing

  • I’ve heard of nutrient dense, and kind of assumed it would be nuts not much more. This is wonderful and good reason to buy these often!

  • those are great idea

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