
Top Beginner’s Tips For Firework Photography

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Watching fireworks can be one of the most spectacular things you’ll ever see with your own eyes. If you’ve ever attended a huge fireworks display in person, such as those on New Year’s Eve in London by the embankment, you’ll know just how thrilling (and loud) it can be. Recreating this at home can be difficult, especially when on a tight budget when purchasing fireworks for sale in the UK, so capturing photos or videos of a public event can provide some amazing pictures you can’t get anywhere else. Here are some quick top tips to make the most of your firework photography skills.

Use a Tripod

Capturing photos of moving objects is particularly tricky, unless you like the look of blurred images that are difficult to make it. Unless you have incredibly steady hands and you can stay incredibly still, you’ll want to use a sturdy tripod instead. This way, you can mount your camera and ensure it does not move during photo capture. As you will need to have the exposure over a few seconds to capture as much light as possible and the complete cycle of the current sequence of fireworks, the camera needs to be steady. Use a remote too so that you do not disturb the camera and unbalance the image. This way you’ll have a still background and will pick up the full effect of the fireworks.

Take a Test Photo

Once you have set up your camera and equipment, you’ll want to ensure the shot looks correct and will capture where you need it to be. If you are taking pictures of not just the fireworks but of the background too, you’ll want to ensure this is focused correctly before you begin. This will save having to keep adjusting during the display. Take some test photos to see how dark the sky and background comes out, especially if it is not completely dark yet. If you get to your location early enough, you will have plenty of time to prepare and capture the photos you really want. Otherwise, you will be going into the display without prior testing or scouting the best location while it is still quiet.

Timing and Framing is Everything

As fireworks are extremely quick, capturing them takes practice and even if you have planned ahead and tested photos before it begins, there can still be issues. When setting up, you’ll need to not only frame the background but also take into consideration how high the fireworks will be and their spread. This can be tricky as you won’t know exactly where this will be until the display starts. If you are using a wide-angle lens, you can compensate a little as it will capture more, but if not then you will need to adjust at the start. To capture the right moment, it’s best to take the picture as you hear the fireworks go off. With the right exposure, you should capture the beginning and end of each individual burst, adjusting where necessary.

There are many different tips, adjustments and techniques used to perfect firework photography. It’s best to play around with different settings and find the best setup for your needs. Try with your own fireworks from home and then refine your technique before heading out to the bigger, more spectacular displays.

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