
Unique Greeting Idea: Send a Ball

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Have you ever wanted to send someone a surprise? Something that is simple, but bound to bring joy into their day? I have that urge sometime, but what can you send on the spur of a moment? That is the part that always stumps me!


I heard about a really fun way to send a greeting to the people in my life that I am thinking of, missing, or just wanting to surprise! I can’t wait to tell you about Send a Ball. This is a fun way to make sure someone you care for has a ball, completely out of the blue!

You can Send a Ball for any occasion. The balls are about 10 inches in diameter and are of a heavier gauge than a ball from a bin in the shops might be. You can select the color of ball you want to send and the company will try their best to accommodate.

send a ball

The balls ship as a First Class Package and can be sent anyplace you can imagine! From colleges to overseas, you can Send a Ball to anyone , anywhere! You can send a personalized message on the ball or one of many cute ones they have in their store. They have a love theme, a smile theme and so many more!

I loved my Send a Ball! It was so fun to get, my mail carrier said it was fun to deliver and it inspired a session of toss with my daughter, a memory I will treasure forever!

I think that if you are wanting to send a greeting to someone near or far, and want to make it a memorable greeting, Send a Ball is the way to go. This makes getting the mail a fun affair that is out of the blue, unexpected and sure to make anyone smile!


Connect with Send a Ball to learn more or to order one for someone in your life!





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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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