
A Neater Way To Clean the Litter Box

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Sharing my life with animals is 99% joy, 1% not so much joy.  There is so much to love about pets. They lower blood pressure, they improve quality of life. The combat depression, they make me smile. They fill my heart with such love! And then… it is time to clean up after them.


I am nothing if not honest, and when I say I detest scooping the litter box, know it has less to do with the cat and more to do with the mess. I mean, who really wants to have the little chunks of litter all over their floor? Every litter box scooper I have used has had this flaw, up until now.


I got to try the Neater Scooper From Neater Pet Brands, and let me tell you, this is one great way to clean the litter box! Not only does this product stir up less litter dust than any other scooper I have used, but also, it is just amazing! Seriously. You scoop and the door to the contraption closes. Then the door to the compartment opens so you can bag the litter! After that, toss it and you are done! No more touching yucky kitty litter! No more kitty litter spilling onto the floor.

Neater Scooper

This is an aptly named product, because it is a Neater Scooper for Cat Litter! If you have a cat, and you try this. I am guessing you won’t complain about cleaning the litter box anymore. You can even buy refills for the Neater Scooper so you don’t run out of these awesome little bags that save me time and keep me healthier.

neater scoope bags

While I adore my pets, all of them, all of the studies that are being completed kind of scare me. The bacteria in cat waste especially worries me, so any step I can take to avoid coming into contact with it are great, and give me peace of mind that I am being a responsible pet owner while playing it safe.


To learn more about the Neater Scooper connect with Neater Pet Brands get social with them!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “A Neater Way To Clean the Litter Box

  • I have to get one of these! They are awesome!

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