
UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum for a Healthy Happy Baby #UpSpringBaby

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

This review was made possible by iConnect and UpSpring. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.

There is nothing more exciting than bringing a new bundle of joy home. From the moment we meet our little ones, we want nothing but the best for them. We give them all the love we have and things rock smoothly along. Then, comes that fateful day when the crying doesn’t stop. You have changed, burped, rocked, and patted – yet their screams of agony continue. Digestive upsets such as constipation, gas, and diarrhea make for a very unhappy baby! As an adult that has more than my fair of the same issues, I take daily probiotics to help keep my digestive track working smoothly. It only makes since that probiotics will help babies too! Have you heard of Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum for babies and kids?

Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum for a Healthy Happy Baby

About UpSpring

UpSpring, a mom-founded and mom-run company, has a mission to empower parents with confidence and to give them the freedom to enjoy motherhood even more. By finding innovative solutions to the everyday health and wellness challenges and frustrations facing mothers of a baby or young child, UpSpring provides “more fun, less worry.” Since 2005, UpSpring has made all-natural products based on true science that solve real problems.

Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum

Why UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum?

UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum is a probiotic supplement that provides both digestive and immune support. Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum helps to reduce occasional digestive upset like constipation, gas, and diarrhea. Plus, it contains antibodies which provide immune support!

UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum has 6 probiotic strains, along with prebiotics, which help the beneficial bacteria flourish. There are 5 billion active cultures in each serving of Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum to help keep babies healthy.

When giving our babies supplements, we want only helpful and safe ingredients. UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum is all-natural, gluten free, sugar free, and hormone free. In addition, it is NON-GMO!

Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum

When it comes to tummy upsets, it is much easier to catch them on the front end than when the symptoms arise. By then, you have a crying, frustrated infant! Probiotics are a great way to keep the digestive system functioning properly and avoid tummy upsets!

Probiotics and Prebiotics in a Nutshell

You may, or may not, be familiar with probiotics and prebiotics. In a nutshell, probiotics are good bacteria. The good bacteria control the growth of bad bacteria and helps keep your digestive system healthy. By controlling growth of harmful bacteria. Prebiotics are food for the probiotics. Together, they are a great way to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Upspring Probiotic + Colostrum

UpSpring Probiotics + Colostrum comes in pre-measured packets and I love the convenience! When ready to use, simply mix a packet with any cool liquid, soft baby food, yogurt, etc.

We all know that the gut is center to our health and well-being. When our digestive tract is out of order, we are miserable. Babies that suffer from constipation, gas, diarrhea, reflux, etc. can benefit from the probiotics in UpSpring + Colostrum. In addition, the Colostrum provides immune support to keep them healthy!

Give UpSpring Probiotics + Colostrum a Try!

Want to give your baby the gift of a healthy digestive tract and immune support? Try UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum today!  You can find it at Target and Walgreen stores and online at UpSpring.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

6 thoughts on “UpSpring Probiotic + Colostrum for a Healthy Happy Baby #UpSpringBaby

  • I have never heard of this before til now…the things they come up with sounds like an amazing product…

  • What a great product. I like that it contains the colostrum!

  • I had no clue they had these for babies. I take a probiotic myself daily. Thanks for sharing!

  • I have not heard of this, it is a really good idea.

  • Wow this is a great product,id love to get some for my grandson he has reflux

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