
Zoey Naturals English Garden Hand Sanitizer @zoeynaturals

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This day and age we need to think about the germs on our hands and how we can keep them germ free, but also not putting harsh chemicals on our skin that will make it dry, damaged, and is gentle on the skin. This is a great sanitizer, and smells wonderful that I will feel confident that it is protecting my hands.  ZOEY Naturals is formulated for babies and loved by mamas all around the world.

Zoey Naturals hand sanitizer is effective and gentle formulas are free of harsh chemicals and safe on our environment, and their hand sanitizers contain 70% alcohol and are highly effective killing 99.9% of germs!


About Zoey Naturals: 

More than a year later, we had no success. We consulted a doctor and we were devastated to learn that I had medical problems. We were extremely disappointed and felt we had wasted a lot of time. We worried that we would never get pregnant.

We decided to go through fertility treatments. It was a time consuming process and very stressful. At times we thought we weren’t meant to have a child. But, after several months, medications, injections and countless ultrasounds, we finally got those two pink lines! Nine months later our precious girl, Zoey, was born.

Like many other brand-new parents, we wanted the best for Zoey and we had worked very hard so we could offer her the best. There were so many decisions … what kind of bottles, diapers, clothes, toys? When should she eat and what should we put on her skin and hair?

So many questions and so few answers. We became avid label readers and we were concerned about many of the ingredients that were in traditional baby products like lotions, shampoos, diaper rash creams and the like.

Zoey’s Papa, Charley, who is an innovative pioneer in the skincare industry, has been working with natural products for more than 30 years. Most of his products can only be found at the world’s finest resorts.

So when we were unsatisfied with what was available for children, we then asked him to develop products for Zoey that had the same gentleness and effectiveness as Papa’s other lines.

We began using the products he developed for us and we immediately fell in love with them. We knew we had to share them with others.

That started the quest and after a year of research and reformulation, we proudly have an entire line of products for the family.

Zoey-Naturals is a new line of skin care products safe for the delicate skin of babies and children.  Their English Garden hand Sanitizer effectively kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria.  It has been formulated without harsh chemicals and deeply cleanses without water.  The convenient spray delivery allows you to spray your child’s hands (and yours) as well as surfaces you wish to clean.
Just spray hands thoroughly and allow to dry without wiping. 
You can purchase your own Zoey Naturals Hand Sanitizer on their Website
Price: $6.00 each
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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Zoey Naturals English Garden Hand Sanitizer @zoeynaturals

  • This certainly will be a hit in the market these days. I couldn’t find a single hand sanitizer at our grocery store this past week.

  • This sounds like a great sanitizer. I bet it has a nice scent!

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