
3 Things You Can Do To Be Safer On The Road

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Whether you’re driving across the entire country or just down the road to the grocery store, safe driving is an important thing you should be doing. Keeping yourself and other passengers safe is a top priority. Here are 3 things you can do to be safer on the road.

Pre-Road Check

For longer trips, checking your vehicle with a pre-road check can be the difference between a smooth sailing ride and a potential nightmare. What does a pre-road safety check exactly mean? Well, there are a few things you can do. Anyone that’s had a tire blowout knows how painful that can be: it’s important to make sure every tire (including the spare) is correctly inflated and have no signs of damage. Also, check your oil, wiper fluid, coolant, and other similar aspects before leaving your driveway.

Safety Cone Kit

There are many items that should go into your car’s trunk including a flashlight, blankets, first-aid kit, tire jack, jumper cables, and other auto necessities. However, there is another item you might be forgetting. A safety cone kit is a must-have for any driver who wants to be as safe as possible. If a tire blows out, if you pull off onto a highway shoulder, if you need to make an emergency stop for any reason, a safety cone kit can make a huge difference. Safety cones make your vehicles more visible and apparent with their bright neon color, reflective tape, and some even have flashing lights. They are also very portable and easy to pack and store. If you need a safety cone kit or other safety equipment, contact OTW, the safety experts, at their website today.

Never Drive Tired

Sometimes, you have to make a fifteen-hour road trip in a sixteen-hour window. You may think you can power through with energy drinks and loud music, but chancing an accident while tired isn’t worth the risk. Some studies have actually shown that driving while tired is similar to driving under the influence: both have much higher chances of causing an accident. Make sure to get a good night’s rest before heading off onto the road; if you start to feel drowsy while driving, pull over and try and catch some sleep in a safe, public area (motels, hotels, travel centers). Here is how to maintain good health while traveling.


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One thought on “3 Things You Can Do To Be Safer On The Road

  • Great tips. Better to do what you can to be safe.

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