
5 Amazing Tips That Will Help with Your New Reborn Baby

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Being a reborn parent is not easy; it is every bit of a commitment as it is pleasure. We are not going to say that its anywhere close to handling real kids but there are definitely some similarities there.

People invest so much time taking care of their reborns and spending time with them. They perceive them as items very close and dear to their heart. This is why everything has to be perfect. God forbid your favorite reborn incurs any damage! That would be a devastating blow for any parent.

In order to maintain your baby to the best of your ability, we invited the artists from Bebe Reborn Original and they created this amazing article. Check it out!

  1. Always consider the weight

If you never held a reborn baby, you might think they are as light as all other regular dolls. This is not true. They are weighed for a more realistic feel which is why they are closer to real baby’s weight than doll’s weight. This can easily be noticed when you’re carrying them. As they are much heavier, it can be harder to carry them for a prolonged period of time. In fact, this weight can caught you off-guard and the baby might slip through your hands during first few days. Make sure to remember this lesson until you get used to reborn’s weight.

  1. They are very sensitive

Reborn babies are not like other dolls. The material used is very sensitive and it cannot be compared with items such as Barbies. They can be cut by almost anything which is why you will have to pay extra attention to them. For example, they can be damaged as you pass through doorways. Needless to say, kids and pets can quickly ruin these dolls so make sure to keep them away from them.

  1. Focus on basic cleaning

There are a lot of women who are clean-freaks and we can’t blame them for that. However, like a real baby, you cannot expect reborn baby to be clean at all times. Even when it gets filthy, the last thing you want to do is use strong chemical products to clean them up. The best way of treating your baby is with a tissue. It can be slightly wet but you shouldn’t also exaggerate with water as certain parts of the baby are sensitive. Paint can be really troublesome so you will have to pay extra attention to it.

  1. Get the right clothing

Clothing is one of the best things when it comes to reborn babies. You have a lot of options at your disposal and it is really fun dressing your baby in different options. Each baby comes with a set of clothes when you buy so you will at least have something for the starters. Still, it would be much better to get a few sets so you can change it regularly. Clothes are very important if you have a bigger collection and if you want to showcase your babies to others. They give them more flavor; they make them look more vivid and relatable.

  1. Never leave your baby in a car

Keep in mind that most people are not used to reborn babies. When you carry something in your arms, their first instinct is that you’re carrying a real baby. The same goes when a baby remains in a car. People passing by will see this as a potential danger and will not hesitate breaking your window just to get the baby out. Make sure this doesn’t happen by not leaving it in a car.

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