
7 Practical Ways To Start Taking Better Care Of Yourself

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What’s most important is that you attend to your health and well-being. Not feeling good will keep you from being productive at work and in your home life. There’s no better time than the present to stop making excuses and start taking action to improve the way you currently function.

This will become easier to do when you’re equipped with practical ways that will help you take better care of yourself. No one can change your habits and improve your health except you. It’s up to you to begin to prioritize your health and happiness if you want to live a better life.

Exercise & Eat Right

Exercising and eating right go hand in hand because when you start practicing one of these habits you typically naturally start doing the other. Get to the gym, run outside or lift weights regularly to help you stay in good shape. Find a workout buddy if it helps you remain accountable and not give in to temptation. Also, cook at home for yourself and bring your lunch to work to avoid eating unhealthy foods and out at restaurants constantly. Exercise and eat right, and you’ll soon notice your mood lift, that your clothes fit better and you have more natural energy overall.

Get Help for Mental Health & Addiction Problems

Remember that your mental health matters a great deal when it comes to taking care of yourself. If you’re always anxious and have racing thoughts, it’s possible you could turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. If you find yourself caught up in this cycle and need help, you should do your homework and research residential treatment centres that can improve your current state quickly. Their health programming is exactly what you may need to lift yourself out of your funk and get clean once and for all. You’ll see you’re not alone and that there are many other people who are also receiving mental health and addiction treatment.

Go to Bed at A Decent Hour

Without enough sleep you’ll quickly fall into practicing bad habits like eating junk food late at night and taking your frustrations out on others because you’re overtired. Avoid these types of outcomes by going to bed at a decent hour each night. Set a time you want to go to sleep and get up each day and try your best to stick with this routine going forward. A sleep schedule is exactly what you need to help you remain on track and feeling refreshed every morning. You’ll likely find you do a better job at work and don’t have to drag yourself through the day or rely on coffee to stay awake.

Drink more Water

Be mindful of how much added sugar, caffeine and alcohol you’re consuming on a daily basis. These are the types of ingredients and drinks that will make it difficult to lose weight and cause you to feel sluggish. Instead, turn to drinking more water and keep yourself well hydrated on a regular basis. Water has a way of giving you that boost of energy you need to do your best work each day. Your skin will glow, you’ll feel livelier, and it’s likely you’ll begin to drop the unwanted pounds when you’re good at drinking the recommended amount of daily water. Carry a water bottle around with you to help remind you of this important task. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, then consider adding fruits or vegetables to wake up your taste buds.

Unplug Consistently

It’s important to realize that staring at a screen around the clock isn’t good for your health. Start taking better care of yourself by unplugging from your electronics consistently. Pay attention to how you’re spending your downtime and what else you could be doing besides watching television or playing on your phone. Also, instead of hanging on your computer all night you should think about attending to your self-care or doing a relaxing activity like drinking warm tea or taking a hot shower before bed. Not only unplug more often when you’re at home, but when you go on vacation too.

Talk through what’s on your Mind

Holding in all of your worries and concerns isn’t healthy and will soon take a toll on your mind and body. Be open and vulnerable with others who you trust and let them in on what’s going on with you. It’s likely they’ll have some sound advice to provide and can relate to whatever it is you’re dealing with at the time. If you’re not a big talker, then you should at least consider getting a journal so you can regularly release your emotions in a healthy manner. Take better care of yourself by attending to your feelings and not letting distressing thoughts pile up for too long.

Get Organized at Work & in your Home

Believe it or not, but being disorganized weighs on your mind and creates additional and unwanted stress. Feel better overall by getting organized at work and in your home so you know where your belongings are and don’t always have to be searching for what you need at the time. The bathroom can be a moment of peace away from the world, so decluttering and organising it may be a win win. There are plenty of organizational tools out there to help you get your life in order. Also, keep a calendar and schedule of events so you’re never blindsided by what’s soon approaching that involves you or family members. Take better care of yourself by creating more balance in your daily life and not saying yes to every activity you’re asked to participate in.


Use these practical suggestions to help you take better care of yourself starting today. There’s no point in putting it off any longer if you want to feel good and be well. Understand that it’ll take some time for you to adjust your habits and change doesn’t happen overnight. However, stick with it, and soon you’ll be experiencing all the wonderful benefits that come along with you being kind to yourself each day.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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