
Simple Ways To Keep Fit and Active

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Let’s face it, how many times have you promised to go to the gym more to get fitter, vowed to cut down on your favorite unhealthy snacks, and pledged to lose those excess pounds no matter what? However, it can be a struggle to manage to keep fit with all the other commitments you have, which could include going to work, looking after the family, doing the daily chores, and enjoying a social life too. But what if the answer is so simple that you have previously overlooked it? What if you could improve your fitness and flexibility simply by going about your daily life in a more active way? There are alternatives that do not include gym membership fees to pay and no huge changes to your current lifestyle to make. Just some simple tweaks to your day-to-day routine can result in some fantastic and effective benefits. 

Stretch your way into your day

Instead of trying to fit in lengthy exercise routines into your day, try simply adding some stretches into the little pockets of time when you are stationary or have a spare moment or two. Rise up and down on your toes while you’re cleaning your teeth, to give your hamstrings a good stretch and flex your feet and ankles. Implementing various exercises into normal parts of your day will make them become part of your routine in a simple and easy way. Try to find simple ways of incorporating little stretches and muscle toning into your day, and you’ll soon be reaping the benefits of a more flexible and toned body.

Ditch the car

Our nation is in love with our automobiles but before you automatically step out of your house and into the car, consider if your journey could be undertaken on foot, or by bike. Breaking the habit of using the car is tough at first, but if your journey is less than a couple of miles, you can easily walk it, and if it’s a little longer, hop on your bike. You’ll soon realize that you’re making longer and longer journeys without noticing it, as your fitness levels rise. Invest in a backpack for yourself, or a basket or even a trailer for your bike, to carry your groceries home. You’ll be amazed at how much money you will save on gas, too.

Walking for just thirty minutes a day has been shown to improve your mood, spark creativity, and increase your metabolism – as well as keeping your weight in check and increasing your fitness levels. What’s not to love?

Happy feet

The damage that too much sitting can do is well known. Sitting for long periods can slow down your metabolism, which affects your body’s ability to regulate blood pressure and break down body fat. This can lead to high cholesterol which can raise your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. At work, or in your home office, you could try standing instead of sitting while you’re using your computer. Use an electric standing desk riser to ensure that your screen, keyboard, and mouse are at the optimum position for your needs – all at the touch of a button. This clever device means that you can stand while answering emails, or take part in conference calls, but sit down again when you need to.

Make a point of walking around every time you are on the phone. Just a few minutes of gentle walking will increase your heart rate and improve your circulation – and if you have a really long conversation, think of all the calories you’ll have burned!

If you usually take the elevator to get to your office, make a point of taking the stairs. Once you get used to this, it will become second nature. Take a long walk during your lunch break, or suggest taking a walk with a colleague instead of having a meeting at a desk.

Be active with your children

Have active fun while playing with the kids – instead of sitting down and competing against each other on Super Mario, head outdoors for some games such as tennis, soccer, or simple chasing each other around the yard. Even washing the car together can be fun and get you moving energetically. Take the kids swimming at weekends, play adventure golf, go to your local nature reserve or forest park. Hire kayaks and go on adventures on the water. If the kids are tiny, set up a regular stroller walk with other parents in your neighborhood. As well as keeping fit and flexible without really trying, you will be setting a really good example for your kids, that keeping active doesn’t have to mean sweating it out in the gym or training for a marathon.

Getting exercise in this way will raise your endorphins – those feel-good hormones in your body – making you feel great, and is a fun way to spend time with your family. Encouraging your children to be fit and active will make it a normal part of their routine as well, and make it seem less of a chore. The energy from exercise will ensure it is worth it and can be a great way to have fun at the same time.

The smallest changes with the biggest impact

Spend tomorrow taking notice of your daily routine, and your home and office furniture, and see if you can identify any more ways of making some easy changes to make your body happier. Is your furniture comfortable and supportive; is everything at the right height and firmness for you? Are there times in your day where you can add a bit of activity – places that you walk to rather than driving, stairs you can run up rather than taking the elevator? Can you alternate standing and sitting at your desk while you’re on the computer? These small changes all add up to a fitter and more flexible you. Implementing just a few habits into your routine will set you on the path of keeping fit and active every day.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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