
A New Way to Play Capture the Flag with Starlux Games – Capture the Flag REDUX

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Kids will be out of school soon and they will be looking for some fun activities to keep them busy during the summer months. Check out the revamped classic game. Capture the Flag Redux from Starlux Games will have them running around, enjoying the nice summer nights with their friends. This would make a great end of the school year gift, or birthday gift. 

Get moving with this awesome twist on Capture the Flag! Players run, hide and chase the opposing team using light up game pieces in this strategy based, active game. Includes 12+ hours of batteries and 12 ways to play! For 4-20 players, Ages 8+

About Starlux Games: 

While teaching high school for nine years, founder Judd King noticed youth becoming less and less aware of their surroundings and their peers. To combat this, “I wanted to create something I would have loved as a kid—but also something that would be so incredibly engaging and dynamic that teenagers would actually put their phones down and interact with each other.”


  • Play anywhere with the space to run, an especially cool night activity
  • Screen free and a great form of exercise!
  • Winner of Outdoor Game of the Year at the Creative Child Awards
  • 4.6 star average online review rating 
  • All ages play together

  • NEW WAY TO PLAY CAPTURE THE FLAG: Includes 25 light-up game pieces, 12+ hours of batteries, and 12 different ways to play!
  • AGES 8+ WITH 4-20 PLAYERS: All ages can play together — kids, teens & adults will enjoy this awesome icebreaker and game that develops teamwork, social skills and strategy! Instructions for game variations included.
  • EXCITING NIGHTTIME ACTIVITY: Put the phones, tablets and computers aside. Exercise becomes part of the fun as players run, hide and chase each other to win.
  • PLAYABLE ANYWHERE WITH SPACE TO RUN: A unique group game for schools (inside a gym with the lights off), youth organizations, leadership retreats, corporate retreats, sleepaway camps, summer camps, family reunions, sports teams and more.
  • COOL GIFT IDEA: An exciting alternative to laser tag, flashlight tag, light up LED balls, lawn games, even airsoft or paintball.

You can purchase Capture the Flag Redux on their Website or Amazon

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