Always Have Your Pet Needs with Petco’s Repeat Delivery Service #PetcoDelivers
This blog post is part of a paid Megan Media and Petco Repeat Delivery blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.
Having pets is such a huge joy. They bring smiles and laughter to each day. What doesn’t bring joy? Realizing you’re out of dog, cat food or litter at an inconvenient time. Now you can have products delivered to your house on a schedule thanks to the Petco Repeat Delivery Service! #PetcoDelivers
Always Have Your Pet Needs with Petco’s Repeat Delivery Service
With the Petco Repeat Delivery Schedule, you just choose your products, select Repeat Delivery, and then set your schedule. Super easy! You can choose between now and every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 6 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, and 12 months. I love that I can set a schedule that works for me and my family.
The first thing I wanted to put on Repeat Delivery was dog food, of course. There’s been so many times I’ve had to stop by the store on the way home from work to pick up dog food. Now I don’t have to do that anymore with Repeat Delivery! With so many varieties of dog food, you just select your favorite (well, your dog’s favorite!), select the size bag you want to receive now and each month, and then Schedule Repeat Delivery and select how often you want to receive it.
As an owner of 3 cats, litter is something we always need. So, signing up for Repeat Delivery for litter was a no-brainer. Now I can get our favorite Fresh Step multiple cat litter delivered as often as needed. I love the variety of litters available, as well as the variety of sizes. No matter how many cats you have or what kind of litter you like using, Petco is sure to have what you need.
Right now there is a great promotion going on, too. When you sign up for Repeat Delivery, you will receive up to 20% off of certain items and you will also receive a $30 eGift Card with purchases over $39. You cannot use this Promotional eGift Card on donations, backordered items, or for the purchase of another Petco eGift or Physical Gift Card. And it’s easy to qualify – just be a first-time new customer, and place your first Repeat Delivery order between April 1, 2016 and April 30, 2016. Now is definitely a great time to become a Petco Repeat Delivery customer!
Whether you have dogs, cats, small animals, birds, fish, or reptiles, there is a great variety of foods and products that are available for Petco’s Repeat Delivery. Make your life easier and sign up for this great service today – you do not want to miss out on the up to 20% off products and $30 eGift Card that you will receive!
Very convenient! I wish I had a pet, because I would definitely use this service!
A great service. I think it would be especially useful for older people .
I want the 42 pound box of cat litter PLEASE!
This is such an awesome and convenient service! I definitely love being able to bulk buy or have a monthly service so my life is a little bit easier! 🙂
This seems like it would be so incredibly convenient!
I don’t know how often my Meow needs food and litter so I don’t want to order it on a schedule and get it too soon or not soon enough!
I was not aware that they had this service. Learn something new everyday!
What a nice service to save some time.
What a nice service to save some time.
I don’t have any pets yet, but I borrow my friends all the time for some play times!
I want a delivery service!
A great idea but we don’t buy too many things at Petco to get it delivered.
This is a great service didn’t know that they had it.
I had no idea Petco delivered. This is great!
I wish I could but never know what I can afford at any given time.
How cool that they deliver!
I’m read reviews about Petsco and they have a good reputation and quality food for pets.
We have three dogs. I did not know that PetCo delivered
I love this idea! It sure beats carrying heavy bags of dry cat food, cases of wet cat food and that heavy cat litter out!
Have nothing but questions!I need that huge box of cat litter!
I love Petco! My favorite place to shop for my furbaby
Congrats. that’s awesome
Great for own pets!!
How do you go about ordering the cat litter?Just noticed the price for 42 pounds!That is very reasonable!
Not a fan of repeat orders like this. Can cause havoc in the checking account if you forget it!!
I didn’t know Petco delivered to your home. I have 4 cats and 3 dogs so this would be a great service for us to use.
Great service wasn’t aware of it.Thanks for sharing this.
I will pass this along to my son. He has 3 cats so this would be useful to him. Thanks.
I love Petco. I do wish we had one closer, but this is helpful.
Those look like some great prices, I love Petco
I did not know they had this service but it sounds really great. I rescue cats and this service would help me
This looks very handy.
This would certainly make things convenient! I have 2 cats, plus I feed 4 other neglected neighborhood cats daily, plus we have a bird and a hedgehog!
Great service didn’t know they had this.
I want this I love target
Congratulations to those who win. It would be fun to buy something special for my fur baby. It is sometimes hard to get the food I need for my cat and it is only available at Petco. Maybe repeat delivery would solve the problem.
Definitely a great idea.I wish we had it where we live!
I love delivery service.
Petco delivers, oh what a time to be alive.
I’m surprised they didn’t offer this service before . It is certainly convenient
Very convenient. I did not know that Petroleum deliver.
I love the idea of auto delivery for my dog’s food! Such a convenient service.
What a great idea having your pet foods delivered, I am so glad they came up with this idea!
That’s good to hear didn’t know they did this.
I had no idea that petco now offers a delivery service!
I buy all my cats supplies at the Walmart.Wish we still had a ZELLERS.They were the BEST!
This is really neat! There have definitely been times I could have used this as a scatter-brained pet owner.
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for the giveaway!
What a great idea! I would love to have cat litter delivered to my house! I am definitely going to check this out.
Interesting concept – similar to home grocery delivery plans!
This would be such a time saver. Thanks for sharing!
I think the Petco Repeat Delivery Service is a really nice idea. It certainly makes life easier!
Great info on Petco, I didn’t know that they delivered, thanks!
This is a great service for us pet owners. And you are so right… litter is always needed!!!
This makes life easier and convenient!
I’d put my dog Gypsy’s food on delivery. For a 30 lbs. dog, she eats sooo much.
This is so awesome!! It’ll make pet owner’s life so much more easier and cconvenient
Good idea but my girls like to choose things differently each month. Like the convenience though.
Convenient service that many really need.
This is a genius idea! There are lots of ppl who for whatever reason want to shop for their pet but can’t how awesome to be able to do this instead
wish I could afford such a thing.would be nice not to have to bring home the heavy stuff my self.
This is so cool! I didn’t know that Petco did this, I will definitely be taking advantage of this. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
Very convenient and great to know, thank you.
Thank you.At least this was fixed.The other day it was just an order page :/
Wow this is fantastic ,I called and let my dad know
This certainly would be convenient! Great service!
My hubby and I have four small dogs who eat a lot and we are constantly running to the store to buy more dog food. This sounds like a great service that would save us time and money.
Not sure why it sent me here?I do not shop on line.Not a good way to shop!I buy all my cat’s needs at Walmart!
Wow, I had no idea they offered this service. I could really use this. And that’s a great deal they have for signing up.
I have no use for this. I have a cat but I prefer to order food as I need it, not in bulk, and certainly not in advance of when I actually need more.
This is awesome! My mother has 2 cats and 1 dog and I am sending her this information ASAP!!
It’s pretty sweet that it will remember and order the same thing! No more forgetting to get the litter!
Thank you for sharing this post, I never knew they had repeat delivery. What a great thing and will take advantage of it.
AWESOME. way to go petco
This is great! i never knew petco …well not until now of course. Neat info!
Awesome. Never knew about PetCo not until now of course. Great!!
I didn’t know that Petco delivered. What a great idea, especially for cat litter!
If I had a pet, I would definitely use this service.
I didn’t know Petco delivered. I have 3 dogs so we go through a lot of dog food.
We don’t have a Petco here… of luck to all!
I really should set up something like this for my cat food and litter delivery. I hate having to run to the store every week for refills.
This is great… I will pass this on. I don’t have pets. My daughter is allergic.
We Love Petco. I love that they have repeat delivery, makes things so much more simple.
We have three cats, so we definitely need food and litter each month!