
Awesome Birthday Gift Ideas for Our Kids

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Kids are just about the smartest people you will get to meet. They are adventurous and definitely very curious about a lot of things. If you just listen to some of the questions they ask or have attempted to answer a whole series of it, you will know that their thirst for lessons is not going to be quenched far too soon. With this kind of intelligence comes their ability to be able to predict things. 

They can just look at a gift under the Christmas tree, maybe jostle it a bit, and they would already know what is under all those layers of gift-wrapping. We have even thought of letting them wake up to an ocean of flowers and balloons just to make sure the surprise is extra special because toys have lost a little of its surprise effect.

Yes, the thought behind the gifts still and always will count. But there is something about being able to surprise kids as curious and as interested as those in our homes. So other than the items they have been eyeing for weeks, here are other unique items and gifts we can give our kids for their birthday.

An ocean of flowers and balloons

You know why there are same day flowers delivery services being offered by florists? It is not just for romantic reasons, it has become one of the most popular gifts as of late. This is because, well, who would not want to wake up to a bazillion balloons and flowers right? Even kids love these, and this is just an awesome thing to wake up to.

Cute Cat T-shirts

If you’re kids are crazy about cats, there’s nothing more appropriate to give as a gift than cute cat T-shirts (if an actual feline companion isn’t an option, that is). Find fun and quirky cat T-shirts for an extra special gift. You can get several pieces for your kids, so they can proudly wear their love for one of the world’s most adorable creatures.

A food crawl like no other

Food is just the best, no one can argue with that. What you can do for your kids is ask them about their favourite food places and those they want to try out. Create a map, figure out which ones can go first and make your way from the first restaurant to the very last fast food or dessert place in your itinerary. Just make sure that the food options are diverse so that you and your kid will not need to drag your stomachs out of a restaurant. Remember, you do not need to go to each place on your list, just choose the best ones, and do not eat whole meals.

Ask them what they have always wanted to try

One of the best gifts you can give them is a “first experience” gift. If you really want to see them totally excited, do something they have never done before. Treat them to their first concert, first ice skating, first theatre production, and so on. If you want, you can make them do the list themselves, in this way, they can tick off an item on their to-do list and you have helped with it.

Personalised gifts will always be super cool

Today, almost everything can be personalised, from pillows to keychains. You can go old school and choose a picture of you and you kid and print them on a pendant, a tumbler, or a pillow. But they would probably appreciate it more if you can print a quote from a book that they loved reading when they were little kids or a lyrics from a song they always listen to. You may also choose to characters from shows they always watch like a stuffed toy of a cartoon character from their childhood favourite.

Write them “Open when…” letters

For more of a personal and emotional touch, why not write them “open when…” letters for every important moment in their life. They can open these letters on their first dance, their first date, their first heartache, and so on. These would show them that wherever they are in live, they can always run to you when they need you for support.

There are still a lot of other ways to surprise our kids with unique gifts, but this will definitely keep them talking and smiling for months to come.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

3 thoughts on “Awesome Birthday Gift Ideas for Our Kids

  • Kids are easy to buy for. They usually aren’t shy about saying what they want.

  • I love your open when idea, defin. lets them know that you are always thinking of them and will always be there.

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