
Best Way to Cook Stuffed Pork Chops

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I consider myself to be a moderately good home cook. I am not professionally trained as a chef, not by any means, but I do know how to read a recipe, follow instructions and turn out a good dish or two.

One thing I have always loved is a good stuffed pork chop. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those tantalizingly delicious cuts of meat you see front and center in the display case of the meat section of your local grocers.

The one thing I have found is that they never do come with good cooking instructions. My nephew is a trained chef, so I turned to him for some simple instructions and let me tell you…they turned out AMAZING! Here is my thoughts on the best way to cook stuffed pork chops. So for all you home chefs out there that want to give your family deliciously stuffed pork chops, here are the easiest and best ways to prepare them at home.

Preheat your oven to 350* (conventional oven)

In a separate skillet, heat up a bit of cooking oil until a shimmery look. Add your stuffed chop and give it a light sear on each side. This helps to lock in the delicious flavor and moisture. Add your seared chop to a shallow baking dish and bake for 30-45 minutes. The ideal temperature for chops is 160* so check with a meat thermometer. Having pork a little pink on the inside is okay.
The end result is a flavorful, delicious stuffed pork chop that the entire family will savor.

Do you have some favorite ways that you like to prepare pork chops? Leave a comment below telling us your thoughts.

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