
Bioethanol Fireplaces: A Review of What They Are

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Bioethanol Fireplaces: A Review of What They Are

There has been a growing amount of interest in faux fireplaces, like the bioethanol fireplaces sold on doesn’t have any current information on getting a free bioethanol fireplace, but our site does, from time to time, write reviews on interesting products that people might enjoy reading about. So here we go…

As these fireplaces have gained popularity many have asked whether they are really worthwhile. According to an article in Popular Mechanics, a faux fireplace can be worth the investment as long as you understand what you’re paying for. For example, a bioethanol won’t warm the whole of a big home like a luxurious hearth and fireplace could, but it can offer your living space some extra ambiance and flair.

Bioethanol Fireplaces A Review of What They Are

Bioethanol fireplaces work with the help of a class-three flammable liquid made of bioethanol that is produced through fermenting sugars found in plant by-products. This is a clean burning fuel that is considered to be more environmentally friendly than other alternatives like fossil fuels. Overall, bioethanol fireplaces are a nice alternative to fireplaces when looking for additional warmth in a room as well as a relaxing atmosphere.


How the Fireplace Works

With a bioethanol fireplace you don’t need a chimney or any type of vents, just place the fireplace in a well-ventilated room since it is combustible. The freestanding fireplaces are easy to setup and require little to no assembly while the wall mounted fireplaces take less than an hour (approximately 40 minutes) to assemble and mount properly. Once setup, you can start using your fireplace by simply pouring the bioethanol fuel into the burner box and lighting it with a lighter or with matches. Once you have the fuel lit the fireplace will emit a bright and very real flame. Due to the clean burning properties of this specific alcohol you won’t have to worry about hazardous fumes, ashes or particles, or even smoke building up in the room. You’ll be getting the benefits of a fireplace without the work of chopping wood or the mess of a chimney and flue. There is also no need for any electrical outlets or additional gas power so the fireplace won’t cost you any additional money other than the bioethanol fuel.

What to Expect During Use

With no complicated assembly or installation process you can begin using your fireplace almost immediately. Make sure that you place your fireplace in a well-ventilated room and make sure that there are no flammable materials, like curtains or loose fabric, in close proximity to the flame. You should also be aware that, when mounted, the wall around the fireplace can get hot to the touch.

Once lit, the fuel will typically burn for around three hours. While it doesn’t provide a significant amount of heat, a bioethanol fireplace can usually warm a 25 square metre room but should only be used a secondary heat source, not the main heat source. That being said, these fireplaces work well when you’re looking to heat just the room you’re in instead of the whole house.

The fuel doesn’t emit any hazardous fumes but it does, according to customers, have a slight odour similar to that of burning candles. There are also environmentally acceptable (non-hazardous) levels of carbon dioxide produced by the bioethanol fireplaces.

If you want to put out the flame before it goes out on its own there is a provided closing tool that will simply put out the flame safely. There are also additional accessories available for purchase. Decorative pebbles and logs can be added to your bioethanol fireplace for aesthetic purposes only. To use them, simply place them in the fireplace taking care to not press them against the glass of the unit or to cover the opening of the burner box.

All-in-all bioethanol fireplaces can be a nice addition to your home whether you’re looking for a secondary heat source or just a relaxing ambient environment.

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