
Crate-Training Cats: 5 Powerful Tips You Need to Know

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Most people love pets, but sometimes they are too playful and can be destructive. Therefore you need to train them in a way that they will cause less stress to you.

If you train your cat or kitten to stay calm in a crate, there will be some order in your house, especially when you have visitors.Besides, when you are moving out, you will need to move with your cat, but you can’t do that if your cat isn’t trained yet on how to be in a crate. That’s why you need to start crate-training.

The problem is how you train your cats or kitten to stay calm in a crate. There are tons of way to teach your cat to remain calm in a crate. Before looking at the tips, let’s first know why you need to crate train your cats or kitten.

Why Do Cats Hate Crate Training?

Cats don’t love crate training because it’s associated with scary stuff. Have you ever noticed that when you pull a kitty carrier, your cat or kitten will run away? Why do you think it has to run away? It’s because it’s scared. Besides, cats hate to be taken to veterinary because of this reason. If you are interested in buying cat crates, you can check out Pet Crates Direct.

1. Make sure the crate has a reasonable size

The biggest mistake you should never make is to train your cat in a small crate. Doing this will limit your cat from stretching, sitting. So, you should make sure that the crate you are using to train your cat is big enough to give room for stretching, standing and sitting. You can buy two crates—one should be for your cat and the other one for your kitten.

2. Select the kind of crate you want

There are many types of crates you can choose from. The different crates also have different price ranges. Please consider your budget before choosing a crate for your cat. You want your cat to be disciplined. You don’t want to spend more on a cat crate.

You can do some window shopping or search online to check some of the best cat crates available. The simple hack is to check for the customer testimonials – those who have bought the crates and used them. Both positive and negative testimonials should help you make your decisions. So, welcome both.

3. Determine the location

One of the things you may forget is to determine the ideal location where you will crate train your cat. This is the most critical factors you must consider.

You may choose a place where your family spends most of their time. Remember, you can’t put your cat on the crate all day. You should give it some space, especially during the night to carry out its role.

4. Do some entertainment in the crate

It is no secret that cats hate crates because they are boring. So, you need to sort out that challenge, but how do you do that?

Well, you can do entertain your cat while it is in the crate. The best way you can do that is by placing one of your cat’s favorite toy. That way, your cat won’t be too bored. This will help reduce the chances of boredom.

5. Cover a wire mesh crate

If you want to make your cat comfortable within the crate, you can cover the sides of the crate with a clothe. This will give your cat the freedom to do anything it feels like doing.

Final Thoughts

Cat crate training is the best thing you should do. Now that you have one or two cats in your house, they can be more aggressive and embarrass you when you have visitors.

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One thought on “Crate-Training Cats: 5 Powerful Tips You Need to Know

  • will have to try cat’s hate them .

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