
Dive Into Shark Week’s 30th Anniversary with Discovery Sharkopedia #SharkWeek2018

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Shark Week just got way more jaw-some! Discovery Channel is celebrating the 30th annual Shark Week this week! After watching all the fun shows and learning so much about sharks, tap deeper into some knowledge with Discovery Sharkopedia! 

Discovery Sharkopedia, the definitive visual guide to everything there is to know about sharks! With more than 400 incredible color photos of the world’s most infamous sharks, including great white, bull, and tigersharks, Sharkopedia explores the evolution of sharks-did you know sharks have been swimming in the world’s oceans since before dinosaurs roamed the earth?

Discovery Sharkopedia introduces kids to almost 500 known shark species with close-up portraits of each and fun “fin facts” throughout. The graphics are so amazing and really gives the reader a nifty inside look into the sharks that swim the 4 oceans of the world.

Whatever your desire is to learn more about sharks, Discovery has a FULL LINE of books, toys and interactive online information to share with your shark enthusiasts. Be sure to check out what Discovery has to offer and stay connected socially for more information on sharks and other amazing animals.

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