
Earn Cash for Things You Do Like Travel, Eating and More with DOSH Mobile App #Dosh

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Earning cash back and rewards is nothing new in today’s connected world, BUT there is nothing like Dosh, that gives you customized deals and earning potential catered to your location. No matter where you are or where you are traveling, Dosh will keep you current with the best deals in your current surroundings.

What’s Dosh, You ask??

Dosh is an app that connects with your credit and debit cards. Next, you continue living like you normally would, BUT, every time you use your cards, Dosh finds the deals and offers that match up to your purchases and puts those savings into your Dosh account, auto-magically! Signing up is completely FREE and truly simple. The app is available in iTunes and on Google Play. Simply download the app, connect your cards and you are on your way to earning. PLUS you can book travel with Dosh—when you do, you’ll get the best prices and cash back. Allow notifications and you will instantly get notified of deals and earning potential wherever you are.

See above, I can earn 7% cash back at one of my family favorite restaurants – Walt’s Barbecue. Getting more out of every dollar I spend is important to me and my household. With Dosh, I can maximize my spending power even more by earning cash back.

The Dosh mission is simple – To positively impact people’s lives, one purchase at a time. Dosh recognizes the power in each and every purchase and every dollar. Dosh is trying to give that power back to the people, both consumers and local business everywhere. Dosh has also integrated charitable donations into the Dosh app so anyone can give any amount to the causes they care about.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

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